Epilepsia® – A Journal of the ILAE
Epilepsia® is the world's leading journal of original scientific research and commentary in epileptology. Impact Factor: 6.6
CiteScore: 10.9 | Journal Citation Indicator: 1.83 | Five-Year Impact Factor: 6.2 | SNIP: 1.996
Mission: Epilepsia® publishes original articles on all aspects of epilepsy, clinical and experimental. The journal also publishes timely reviews, as well as commission and task force reports from various ILAE groups.

- Editors, Associate Editors and Editorial Board
- Epilepsia® table of contents (Volume 65, Issue 12)
- Epilepsia® website
- Epilepsia® Prize
- Epilepsia® SEO Tips for Authors
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- Thank you to our reviewers in 2024
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Paper and Online version: $75.00
- American Epilepsy Society and Japanese Epilepsy Society members receive a full subscription to Epilepsia® as a member benefit.
All content older than four years is freely available. Articles of high importance to our community (e.g. definitions, classifications, guidelines, selected ILAE reports) as well as articles for which authors have paid open access fees will be freely accessible without restriction as soon as they are published.
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About Epilepsia®
Target readership: Professionals and experts who treat and do research related to all aspects of epilepsy.
Target authorship: Any health care professional, clinical researcher or basic scientists involved in epilepsy related research. Instructions for Authors
Types of articles: Regular articles and brief communications (excluding single case reports unless of particular clinical or research importance). Invited reviews, Commentaries, and Controversies require approval prior to submission or they will not be accepted for peer review.
Special features: Supplements are considered based on topic. Prospective authors should contact the editorial office at epilepsia@ilae.org.
Annual Reports
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