Epilepsy Bibliography (1945-2012)

Note: For the United States and the United Kingdom use USA and UK, respectively, for all others spell out the country name.


Falls in Epileptic and Non-epileptic Seizures During Childhood

Authors: Beaumanoir A, Andermann F, Avanzini G, Mira I, eds
Journal: Mariani Foundation Paediatric Neurology: 6 International Colloqium of the Pierfranco e Luisa Mariani Foundation, Milan State University, 12-14 October 1995
Publisher: John Libbey - UK, Eastleigh (223 pages)
Language: English
Type: Book in series; serial book
Codes: ISBN: 086196540X ISSN: 0969-0301

  • Pediatric Epileptology
  • Clinical Aspects - Particular Topics and Symdromes