Epilepsy Bibliography (1945-2012)

Note: For the United States and the United Kingdom use USA and UK, respectively, for all others spell out the country name.


Épileptiques/Épilepsies. Évolution des Demandes et Adaptation des Reponses dans le Domaine des Épilepsies. Epileptics/Epilepsies. Evolution of the Expectancies and Adaptation of the Responses in the Field of Epilepsies

Authors: Beaussart-Defaye J, Beaussart M, Ernoult M, eds
Journal: Proceedings of the International Workshop, Lille, France
Publisher: GRINE - France, Nord-Pas de Calais (83+77 p pages)
Language: French, English
Type: Proceedings / abstracts / reports of organization / meeting
Codes: ISBN: NA

  • Sociology, Legislation, Education