Lifetime Achievement Award 2023

Solomon L. Moshé

Solomon L. Moshé is the Charles Frost Chair in Neurosurgery and Neurology, and Professor of Neurology, Neuroscience, and Pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, New York. He is also the Vice Chair of the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology, Director of the Isabelle Rapin Child Neurology Division and Director of Clinical Neurophysiology. Since 1979, his research has focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying age and sex-related differences in epilepsy in humans and animal models. The main goals are to develop individualized treatments today and to prevent and cure epilepsy tomorrow. He has served as President of the International League Against Epilepsy (2009-2013), the American Epilepsy Society (2000-2001), the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (1996-1997) and the Eastern Association of EEGers (1992-1994). He is the recipient of many awards and honors.