
The ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology is pleased to announce the release of EpilepsyDiagnosis.org a cutting-edge online diagnostic manual of the epilepsies.
Manual Goal:
The goal of EpilepsyDiagnosis.org is to make available, in an easy to understand form, the latest concepts relating to seizures and the epilepsies. The principal goal is to assist clinicians who look after people with epilepsy anywhere in the world to diagnose seizure type(s), classify epilepsy, diagnose epilepsy syndromes and define the etiology. The site is principally designed for clinicians in primary and secondary care settings caring for people with epilepsy and we hope it will also serve as a useful teaching aid.
Ther structure of the site reflects the impotance of seizure type, syndrome, and etiology in clinical practice.
On the website, you will find current classification concepts for seizures, with their clinical features, video examples, EEG correlate, differential diagnosis and related epilepsy syndromes. Epilepsy syndromes are detailed by their clinical features, seizure types, EEG, imaging and genetic correlates and differential diagnoses. The site includes sections on etiologies of epilepsies and epilepsy imitators with cross-referencing between these sections and seizure and syndrome sections. A short and instantaneous registration process is required to view the video section and this is open to anyone, anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Individuals and their families have kindly given consent for videos to be freely available in this way.
You will notice that there are some sections which do not have video examples as yet, notably Epilepsy Imitators, and some text sections which require expansion. The ILAE Syndromes and Diagnostic Manual Task Force of the Classification Commission will continue to develop the site and add further videos and text. The website has been developed in partnership with eResearch at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Please help
Please have a look at the site, use it for your own education, for teaching and let colleagues, patients and families know about epilepsydiagnosis.org
We would be very grateful if you could complete the survey on the Give Feedback page. This will help us in our further development of this continually evolving site. Future plans include developing continuing medical education (CME) packages linked to the site and providing downloadable information for people with epilepsy, their families, and caregivers.
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