Crisis Response
Donate to support people with epilepsy affected by global emergencies
Resources for people with epilepsy
Epilepsy Key Phrases in Translation: Patient medical history
Arabic (AR) | Deutsch (DE) | English (EN) | Español (ES) | Français (FR) | Magyar (HU) | 日本語 (JA) | Polski (PL) | Português (PT) | Русский (RU) | Українська (UA)
Advice for people with epilepsy in crisis situations
Arabic (AR) | English (EN) | Русский (RU) | Українська (UA)
EPIPICTO Pictoral Guide to Epilepsy
Arabic (AR) | Deutsch (DE) | English (EN) | Español (ES) | Français (FR) | Malti (MT) | Nederlands (NL) | Polski (PL) | Українська (UA)
Arabic (AR) - EPIPICTO Pictoral Guide to Epilepsy; translated by the International League Against Epilepsy
"Abby is a Drawing Champion" by Carolijn Leisink
Arabic (AR) | English (EN) | Nederlands (NL)
Information for clinicians
Recommendations for treatment strategies in people with epilepsy during times of shortage of antiseizure medications, Epileptic Disorders (2022)
Treatment strategies in people with epilepsy during times of shortage of antiseizure medications
ILAE Emergency Response (Ukraine) Task Force (2022)
Стратегії лікування хворих на епілепсію в умовах нестачі протиепілептичнийх препаратів
Робоча група з негайного реагування на ситуацію в Україні ILAE (2022)
العنوان: استراتيجيات العلاج لدى الأشخاص المصابين بالصرع في أوقات نقص الأدوية المضادة للنوبات
فرقة عمل الرابطة الدولية لمكافحة الصرع، المعنية بالاستجابة لحالات الطوارئ (أوكرانيا)
COVID-19 and epilepsy
Information and FAQs on COVID-19 for people with epilepsy and their families
العربية (AR) | Deutsch (DE) | English (EN) | | Español (ES) | فارسی (FA) | Français (FR) | ქართულად (KA) | Italiano (IT) | 日本語 (JA) | Portuguese (PT) | Русский (RU) | 中国人 (ZH-CN)
Recommendations on COVID-19 vaccines for people with epilepsy
العربية (AR) | Deutsch (DE) | Ελληνικά (EL) | English (EN) | Español (ES) | فارسی (FA) | Français (FR) | Italiano (IT) | 日本語 (JA) | Melayu (MS) | Русский (RU) | Kiswahili (SW) | 中国人 (ZH-CN) | 中國人 (ZH-HK)
Information and FAQs on COVID-19 for clinicians
Deutsch (DE) | English (EN) | | Español (ES) | Français (FR) | Italiano (IT) | 日本語 (JA) | Русский (RU) | 中国人 (ZH-CN)
Updates regarding the crisis affecting Gaza and Israel
International League Against Epilepsy Statement on the Humanitarian Crisis Affecting Gaza and Israel, 1 November 2023
Updates regarding conflict in Ukraine
International League Against Epilepsy Statement on Attacks on Health Facilities, 9 July 2024
Crisis response in Ukraine: Securing medication and care for people with epilepsy through national and international efforts, 18 April 2022
Notice for Ukrainian People with Epilepsy in Georgia, 22 March 2020
Acciones de la ILAE en apoyo a personas con epilepsia afectadas por la situación en Ucrania, 10 March 2022
ILAE Actions to Support People with Epilepsy Affected by the Situation in Ukraine, 9 March 2022
Joint Statement on behalf of International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE), 4 March 2022
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