Medical Therapies for Epilepsy
Once epilepsy is diagnosed, treatment with medication is first-line as well as the backbone of epilepsy management.
What you need to know about epilepsy medicines, Swiss League Against Epilepsy (2023)
Seizure Medication List: includes currently available medications
Epilepsy Drugs to Treat Seizures
Choosing an anti-seizure medication can be difficult—this is a helpful summary from a well respected epileptologist
Review article on epilepsy treatments
Important considerations for older patients with epilepsy when chosing a medication
Are generics ok?
- Is there a difference between brand and generic anti-seizure medications?
- Position Statement of the ILAE on different formulations of anti-seizure medications
Detailed summary article about anti-seizure medications
Information on what happens if you miss your medications
Video presentations on Medicines used for epilepsy
ILAE Treatment Guidelines Presentation. Includes data backing the use of some epilepsy medications
Can seizure free mean medication free? The evidence, and a debate: Do people with epilepsy have to be on medications forever? What is the evidence for when to consider reduction of medications? What are the chances it will be successful? What are the risks to trying?
Co-morbid psychiatric issues are common in people with epilepsy.
- ADHD medication does not increase seizure risk: Evidence of safety of ADHD medications in patients with epilepsy
- Article on what to consider regarding antidepressant medications
Antiseizure Medication Withdrawal in Seizure-Free Patients: Practice Advisory Update Summary, Neurology (2021)
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