Regional Commission Election Results for 2009-2013 Term
Congratulations to those who received the most votes and will begin representing their region at the Budapest meeting. Thank you to all candidates for your willingness to participate in this process. I hope you will continue to contribute to the life of the ILAE as in the past and hope to see everyone in Budapest.
The level of participation by chapters was impressive for this election. Thank you for participating.
Asia/Oceania: 16 chapters voted out of a possible 17
Latin America: 15 chapters voted out of a possible 17
Eastern Mediterranean: 9 chapters voted out of a possible 10
Europe: 36 chapters submitted ballots out of a possible 42. Thirty-four chapter's votes were counted. One chapter's vote arrived late and one ballot was disqualified because it did not have any votes.
Slate of candidates and election results by region:
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