European Region Elections 2017-21
Dr Eugen Trinka elected Regional Chair for the 2017-2021 term
The Elections Committee is pleased to announce that Eugen Trinka has been elected Chair of the European region for the 2017-21 term, having received 39 votes out of 46 Chapters (85%). We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Trinka on his success and wish him a successful tenure.
Eugen Trinka Curriculum vitae
Eugen Trinka Statement
Commission Members
The following candidates received the most votes and have accepted their elections.
CEA Commission Members 2017-21
Sándor Beniczky
(Denmark, 36 votes)
Niccola Specchio
(Italy, 31 votes)
Curriculum vitae
Matthew Walker
(UK, 31 votes)
Curriculum vitae
Dana Craiu
(Romania, 27 votes)
Curriculum vitae
Sylvio Basic
(Croatia, 22 votes)
Curriculum vitae
Additional Executive Board members
Meir Bialer (Israel), Past Chair
Ingmar Blümcke (Germany)
Alla Guekht (Russia)
Phillipe Ryvlin (Switzerland)
Election Archive
Archived information for reference purposes:
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