ILAE School on EEG in the First Year of Life

Neonatal image

7th ILAE School on EEG in the First Year of Life: From newborn to toddler (2025)

6th ILAE School on EEG in the First Year of Life: From newborn to toddler (2024)

5th ILAE School on EEG in the First Year of Life: From newborn to toddler (2023)

EEG in the First Year of Life (2022)

EEG in the First Year of Life (2020) 

EEG in the First Year of Life (2019)

EEG in the First Two Years of Life (2018)

This is a 3 ½ day residential EEG course that is interactive with an emphasis on interactive, hands-on experience. The content covers normal maturational aspects, abnormal EEG pattern and graphoelements as well as the range of seizures and epilepsies encountered in day to day practice. It consists of lectures and practical workshops during which EEG examples will be reviewed by participants in small groups under the supervision of a faculty tutor.

The course is targeted to paediatric and adult neurologists, neurophysiologists and neonatologist who are dealing with neonates and infants with seizures or epilepsy. It is limited to 48 participants, so early booking is strongly recommended. Basic EEG knowledge is a requirement and applicants will be selected on the basis of their CVs.