ILAE Centenary History Display Panels
Simon Shorvon created a series of history panels for the Centenary Celebration. The spirit of the event is captured in the video tours of the panels, or you may view individual panels as pdfs.
Video Tours
Centenary historical display video tours. Please note: videos may take several minutes to download
- Short Version (.wmv, 99 MB)
- Long Version (.wmv, 117 MB)
- Video of History Wall (.wmv, 27 MB)
Panels from 1909 - 1934
- The XVIth International Medical Conference, Budapest 1909
- The Founding of the ILAE
- Louis Jacob Joseph Muskens & Gyula Donath
- August Marie and William Aldren Turner
- Epilepsia - First Editorial Committee and Committee Patronage
- Epilepsia - First Series 1909 - 1914/15
- First and Second Scientific Congresses of the ILAE 1910-1912
- The ILAE Meeting in London 1913 and the Advent of War in 1914
- Drug Treatment in 1909
- Phenobarbital
- Epilepsy Surgery in 1909
- 1914 - 1935 Years of Hibernation of the ILAE
- Air Encephalography and Angiography
- The Eugenics Movement
Panels from 1935 - 1945
- The Reawakening of the ILAE in 1935
- Drug Treatment and Epilepsy Surgery in 1935
- William Gordon Lennox
- The ILAE 1935 - 1939
- ILAE and Epilepsy 1939 - 1945
- The Birth of EEG
- The Growth of EEG
- Phenytoin
- Epilepsia 2nd and 3rd Series 1937 - 1955
- Hans Schou and BC Ledeboer
Panels from 1946 - 1965
- The ILAE Re-Emerges: ILAE Congresses 1946 - 1957
- Antiepileptic Drug Treatment in 1959
- Launch of the 4th Series of Epilepsia
- ILAE International Classification of Epileptic Seizures
- Henri Gastaut
- The Founding of the IBE and The Mosovich Motion
- Carbamazepine
- Valproate
- Benzodiazepines
Panels from the 1970s
- Epilepsy International - A Failed Attempt to Merge the ILAE and IBE
- J. Kiffin Penry
- Fred Dreifuss
- The ILAE and the Flowering of Basic Research in the Early Post-War Years
- CT Scanning
Panels from the 1980s & 1990s
- 1989 Congress in New Delhi - The First IEC In The Developing World
- ILAE, Developing Countries and The Treatment Gap
- Global Campaign Against Epilepsy
- WONIEP, WONOEP and the ILAE Commission on Neurobiology
- Drug Treatment Since 1989
- European Region
- Communication Within The ILAE - Epigraph and the ILAE Web Site
- Magentic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Panels from the 2000s
- ILAE International Epilepsy Congress in Paris 2005
- Genetics and Epilepsy
- Experimental Epilepsy
- Epilepsy Surgery After 1950 - Temporal Lobectomy and Lesional Surgery
- Epilepsy Surgery After 1950 - Other Operations
Panels about the ILAE & Epilepsy 1909 - 2009
- The ILAE and Epilepsy 1909 - 2009
- The Series and the Volumes of Epilepsia - An Essay in Confusion
- The Growth in ILAE Chapters
- Epilepsia Statistics 1
- Epilepsia Statistics 2
- ILAE Executive Committees 1935-1973
- ILAE Executive Committees 1973-2009
- ILAE International Congresses 1909-1977
- Epilepsy 1909 - 2009 Faces of ILAE
- ILAE International Congresses 1978 - 2009
Historical Wall Panels
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