Sharp Waves Podcast
Sharp Waves: An epilepsy podcast from ILAE
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Sharp Waves episodes and transcripts
NEW! Genetic testing for epilepsy surgery: Dr. Patrick Moloney
Genetic testing in epilepsy: Who, how, and why? — Dr. Ilona Krey
Epilepsy surgery outcomes: Two experiences, life-changing consequences
Heart health, epilepsy, and SUDEP
Practice guideline on outcomes after in utero exposure to anti-seizure medications: Dr. Alison Pack
Changing the term for "epilepsy" in Malaysia: Why and how? Dr. Chong Tin Tan
Global neurology: Pitfalls and purpose – Dr. Melody Asukile and Dr. Deanna Saylor
Epilepsy comorbidities present before diagnosis: Research recap with Remy Pugh and Dr. Chris Tailby
Reflections on the life and career of Dr. Juhn Wada (1924-2023)
Astrocytes and epilepsy: Dr. Peter Bedner
From epilepsy patient to epilepsy surgeon: Dr. Ashok Pillai
The epileptic heart: Seizures and cardiac risk factors – Dr. Trudy Pang and Dr. Richard Verrier
The bumpy road from pediatric to adult epilepsy care: Dr. Danielle Andrade
Investigating pediatric epilepsy in Nigeria: Dr. Edwin Trevathan
Consensus recommendations for epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (Jeavons syndrome): Dr. Kelsey Smith
Seizure action plans as educational tools: Dr. Lucretia Long
The Human Intracerebral EEG Platform and the power of big data: Dr. Philippe Ryvlin
Reproductive health counseling in young women with epilepsy: Room for improvement
Changing epilepsy care through entrepreneurship: Dr. Mark Cook
Health-related quality of life after pediatric epilepsy surgery: Dr. Mary Lou Smith
Clinical neurophysiology training: The present and the future - Dr. Sandor Beniczky
Neonatal seizures: Guidelines and consensus-based recommendations: Dr. Ronit Pressler
Bringing epilepsy out of the shadows: How far have we come? Dr. Ted Reynolds
Neurology researcher and advocate: Dr. Luis Oliviera and the v-ATPase Alliance
A conversation about The Idea of Epilepsy: Dr. Phillip Pearl and Dr. Simon Shorvon
First seizure from sleep and risk of recurrence: Dr. Elaine Pang
Cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, and epilepsy: Dr. Raphael Mechoulam
Autism and epilepsy: Dr. Colin Reilly and Dr. Stéphane Auvin
Dravet syndrome and the influence of the genome: Dr. Sanjay Sisodiya
Attorney turned author pens an epilepsy-focused novel: Sara Staggs
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, seizures, and epilepsy: Dr. Brin Freund
Research recap: Modified Atkins diet and health-related quality of life - Dr. Magnhild Kverneland
Statins and epilepsy: Dr. Emilio Russo and Dr. Tony Marson
Caring for someone with functional seizures: Shannon Guinard's story
Circadian rhythms and epilepsy, Part II: Dr. Maxime Baud
Circadian rhythms and epilepsy Part I: Dr. Mark Quigg
An update on SUDEP and SUDEP counseling: Dr. Suvasini Sharma
Artificial intelligence and epilepsy: Dr. Christian Bosselmann
Neurocysticercosis and epileptogenesis: Dr. Hector Garcia
How and why to address medication adherence: Dr. Avani Modi and Dr. Desiree Williford
Africa's plans for improving epilepsy care: Action Amos
Managing epilepsy in older adults: Dr. Loretta Piccenna and Dr. Rebecca O'Dwyer
Postpartum morbidity and mortality in women with epilepsy: A 28-year study
Moving epilepsy care closer to home: Dr. Gagandeep Singh and Dr. Meenakshi Sharma
Epilepsy care in Ukraine: Dr. Olha Tychkivska
Addressing epilepsy stigma from the ground up: Mary Secco
“Living with epilepsy should not be a secret”: Jessie Nyirenda
Sleep and epilepsy: Dr. Birgit Frauscher
Dr. Andres Kanner: A career in the psychiatric aspects of epilepsy
Multi-centre Epilepsy Lesion Detection (MELD) Project: Dr. Konrad Wagstyl
Career development profile: Dr. Caroline Neuray
NORSE/FIRES: International recommendations for diagnosis and treatment
Nursing in epilepsy care: Roles, value, and the road ahead
Research Recap: Medication effects on infant development
Alzheimer’s and epilepsy: Dr. Andrew Cole and Dr. Alice Lam
Career development profile: Dr. Meriem Bensalem-Owen
Autoimmune-associated epilepsy: Dr. Claude Steriade
Research Recap: Social deprivation and epilepsy incidence
Career development profile: Dr. Fábio Nascimento
New epilepsy syndrome classifications: Behind the scenes
Sex hormones and epilepsy: Dr. Andrew Herzog
Life as a medical student with epilepsy: A clinical and personal perspective
Epilepsy education for teachers: Creating epilepsy-smart schools in India
Epigenetics in epilepsy and the Michael Prize: Dr. Katja Kobow
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Dr. Page Pennell
"Why are there so many people?" - Seizures in the Canadian Arctic
Discovering new drugs for epilepsy: Dr. Karen Wilcox
Deep brain stimulation for epilepsy: Dr. Robert Fisher
The ketogenic diet for super-refractory status epilepticus
Knowledge is power: Increasing epilepsy awareness in Zambia
Epilepsy care in Zambia: “Now that we have neurologists, we will have a voice”
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