Archive of Draft Guideline Comments

This page is provided as an archive to access comments made during the guideline review process.

Draft & Comments: Consensus-Based Standards for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents with Epilepsy
Published as: Consensus-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents with epilepsy: A report from the Psychiatric Pediatric Issues Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy, Epilepsia (2024)

Draft & Comments: Proposed terms for medications used in the treatment of epilepsy
Published as: Which terms should be used to describe medications used in the treatment of seizure disorders? An ILAE position paper, Epilepsia (2024)

Draft & Comments: Consensus recommendations for assessment and management of PNES in children
Published as: Scoping review and expert-based consensus recommendations for assessment and management of psychogenic non-epileptic (functional) seizures (PNES) in children: A report from the Pediatric Psychiatric Issues Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy, Epilepsia (2023)

Draft & Comments: Treatment of Seizures in the Neonate: Guidelines and Consensus-based Recommendations
Published as: 
Treatment of seizures in the neonate: Guidelines and consensus-based recommendations—Special report from the ILAE Task Force on Neonatal Seizures, Epilepsia (2023)

Draft & Comments: Proposed Guideline: Minimum standards for recording routine and sleep EEG
Published as: Routine and sleep EEG: Minimum recording standards of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology and the International League Against Epilepsy, Epilepsia (2023)

Draft & Comments: Proposed Classification and Definition of Epilepsy Syndromes
Published as:
 ILAE Classification and Definition of Epilepsy Syndromes : Position papers by the ILAE Nosology and Definitions Task Force, Epilepsia (2022)

Draft & Comments: Proposed clinical practice guideline for treatment of depression in adults with epilepsy
Published as:
ILAE clinical practice recommendations for the medical treatment of depression in adults with epilepsy, Epilepsia (2021)

Draft & Comments: Proposed guideline: Minimum Standards for Long-term Video-EEG Monitoring
Published as:
Minimum standards for inpatient long-term video-electroencephalographic monitoring: A clinical practice guideline of the International League Against Epilepsy and International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, Epilepsia (2021)

Draft & Comments: Proposed clinical practice guideline for automated seizure detection using wearable devices
Published as: Automated seizure detection using wearable devices: A clinical practice guideline of the International League Against Epilepsy and the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, Epilepsia (2021)

Draft & Comments: Neonatal Seizure Classification
Published as:  The ILAE classification of seizures and the epilepsies: Modification for seizures in the neonate, Epilepsia (2021)