13th Baltic Sea Summer School on Epilepsy (BSSSE 13)
Improve your level in epileptology by studying in a setting of young international peers with a group of dedicated and experienced tutors!
Rostock, Germany
18 - 24 August 2019
Baltic Sea Summer School Flyer
Preliminary programme
Introductory courses: EEG in epilepsy (children, adults); imaging in epilepsy, pharmacology, seizure
Tutorials: Treatment of women of fertile age; Cases in clinical pharmacology; Treatment of children with
pathological EEG; Non-epileptic paroxysmal events in adults and children; Neuropsychology; Neonatal
seizures; Interactive EEG reading; Interactive semiology.
Lectures: Seizure classification, Principles and clinical implications of TDM; Role of pharmacogenetics of
AEDs in epilepsy; First generalized tonic clonic seizures (GTCS) in childhood; Electric neuromodulation in
treatment of drug resistant epilepsy; Reflex epilepsies; Epileptogenicity of brain tumors: mechanisms and
concepts; Clinical evolution of epileptic encephalopathies; Autoimmune encephalitis.
Study methods: Lectures, tutorials, case-oriented study, interactive group work with video, journal club.
Participants are requested to bring own cases and encouraged to present own research for peer discussion.
Research projects: small groups will during the course design research projects to be presented at the end.
The annual Baltic Sea Summer Schools on Epilepsy (BSSSE) are primarily clinically oriented and focused on
comprehensive aspects of diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. They also provide a platform for
transnational research. The open and informal atmosphere of the BSSSE allows easy communication
between faculty and up to 40 international students.
Reference: Find reports on earlier BSSSE with evaluations on www.epilepsiestiftung-wolf.de.
Organizing Committee: Peter Wolf (Denmark), Rüdiger Köhling (Germany), Rūta Mameniškienė (Lithuania).
Target audience
The BSSSE are primarily addressed to medical postgraduates and junior researchers (age
usually up to 40 years) with a special clinical or scientific interest in epilepsy. Applicants from the Baltic Sea
region are given priority but participants from all parts of the world are accepted.
Registration fee: 800 Euro. A substantial number of bursaries will be available from several sources,
including the ILAE-CEA. Application Form
For information please contact:
Petra Novotny, BSSSE office
Rüdiger Köhling, Co-director
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