Intellectual Disabilities

The Intellectual Disability Task Force of the ILAE Psychiatry Commission has compiled some resources on epilepsy that are designed for people with intellectual disability. These are available in a number of languages.

If you have developed resources on epilepsy for people with intellectual disability and would like to share a link on this website, please contact Christine Linehan.


  • The German Epilepsy Society website provides downloadable information in German for a range of audiences.
  • Epilepsy Action has a range of downloadable information, in text and audio for carers and individuals with intellectual disability.
  • Epilepsy Foundation Australia hosts a number of epilepsy leaflets in English.
  • Instituto Jo Clemente: This Brazilian organisation provides downloadable information in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
  • SUDEP Action is a UK based organisation that provides guidance on SUDEP. The My Life with Epilepsy part of the website provides details of a project that aims to refresh all of SUDEP Action’s easy to read documentation. All materials are in English.