5th Dianalund Summer School on EEG and Epilepsy
Danish Epilepsy Centre in Dianalund, Denmark
16 - 23 July 2022
ILAE Curriculum Learning Objectives addressed by this course
- 1.4.1 Determine whom should receive EEGs, be familiar with sensitivity and specificity, and how to interpret the report in the clinical context (L1)
- 1.4.10 Recognize and describe ictal patterns (L2)
- 1.4.11 Recognize and describe ictal and interictal patterns with intracranial recordings (L3)
- 1.4.12 Demonstrate working knowledge of electromagnetic source imaging (L3)
- 1.4.2 Demonstrate knowledge on how to conduct EEG recordings, including technical requirements (e.g. mounting electrodes, use filters, amplifiers, electrode arrays, etc.) (L2)
- 1.4.3 Demonstrate knowledge of montages - advantages and disadvantages (L2)
- 1.4.4 Interpret topographic (voltage) maps (L2)
- 1.4.5 Recognize the indications for the different types of provocation methods (L2)
- 1.4.6 Recognize the different types of EEG recordings and methodologies
- 1.4.7 Recognize and describe background activity and sleep patterns in all age groups (L2)
- 1.4.8 Recognize and distinguish artifacts and normal variants from abnormal EEG patterns, and take actions necessary for eliminating artifacts (L2)
- 1.4.9 Recognize and describe interictal abnormalities (L2)
- 1.7.2 Correctly distinguish between focal and generalized epilepsies and recognize epileptic encephalopathies (L1)
- 1.7.3 Correctly diagnose and classify focal epilepsies (L2)
- 1.7.4 Correctly diagnose and classify generalized epilepsies (L1)
- 1.7.5 Correctly diagnose and classify combined focal and generalized epilepsies including epileptic encephalopathy (L2)
- 1.8.2 Recognize the semiology of PNES and the use of video-EEG procedures and suggestion techniques in the diagnosis of suspected PNES (L2)
- 4.1.1 Demonstrate working knowledge of indications for pre-surgical evaluation (L1)
- 4.3.1 Recommend and interpret video-EEG monitoring as appropriate) (L3)
- 4.3.4 Demonstrate working knowledge on planning implantation of intracranial electrodes (L3)
- 4.5.1 Demonstrate ability to integrate information from multi-modal work-up and estimate risks and benefits of surgical therapy (L3)
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