Epic 2023: The Epilepsy Colloquium

Hotel Westin in Madhapur, Hyderabad, India

26 - 28 May 2023

Dear Colleagues,

As the Course Directors of EPIC 2023: The Epilepsy Colloquium, it is our pleasure to invite all of you to Hyderabad, on 26-28 May 2023.

The theme of EPIC 2023 is 'Seizure Control and Beyond', and the sessions will try to cover the current status and recent advances in the diagnosis and management of epilepsy globally. We are very glad that several leaders of international epilepsy community will be joining us during these three days. We have put together a session plan with a really high academic content. In addition, there will be plenty of opportunity to interact with these experts during and in between the sessions.

We sincerely hope that this event would help in improving the care of epilepsy patients in this part of the world.

Looking forward to see you all in May!

Course Directors

Dr. K.P. Vinayan

Dr. Sita Jayalakshmi