ILAE ASEPA Pediatric EEG Master Class - 2023

Childhood Rolandic epilepsy, typical vs. atypical

Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel in Taipei City, Taiwan

9 December 2023

Rolandic epilepsy, also known as self-limited focal epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, is one of the most common forms of epilepsy in children. While Rolandic epilepsy is generally considered a benign condition, it can be distressing for the child and their parents or caregivers when seizures occur. 

ASEPA, cooperated with The Children Epilepsy Association of Taiwan, designed the master class to empower healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to diagnose, manage, and support children with Rolandic epilepsy. 

Course Objectives: 

  1. Understanding Rolandic epilepsy, typical vs. atypical, through the clinical and electrophysiological spectrum
  2. Diagnosis and medical management of Rolandic epilepsy
  3. Outcome predictors of Rolandic epilepsy
  4. Real case discussion in small group 

We will also cover the crucial topics about critical EEG and EEG of FIRES. 

By the end of this course, we hope participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to manage children with Rolandic epilepsy. 

Languages: English and Mandarin


Dr Derrick Chan (Singapore)
Chair, ILAE CAOA ASEPA Task Force

Dr Ming-Yuh Chang (Taiwan)
President, Children's Epilepsy Association of Taiwan (CEAT)

Dr Chien Chen (Taiwan)
ASEPA & CEAT Secretary