Imaging Avanzato in Epilessia

Corso Pratico Residenziale LICE

Hotel Bellaria in Bologna, Italia

21 - 24 October 2022

ILAE Curriculum Learning Objectives addressed by this course

Costruire una scena multimodale nelle epilessie focali chirurgiche.

Italian League Against Epilepsy

Neuroimaging in focal epilepsy shows a tremendous growth in the last years, especially in relation to surgery. Different structural and functional imaging modalities can contribute to localise the epileptogenic zone and plan the surgical procedure (SEEG or resection). In any individual patient, the relevance of each modality must be reviewed in light to the clinical and neurophysiological data. There is the need to establish which imaging type/s are more indicated in any specific case and provide skills to integrate the information from multiple imaging modalities in multimodal presurgical scene for clinical and surgical purposes. The  course aims to address these needs by combining a few frontal talks with high-level demanding practical sections in which learners will work on real images of different modalities and learn the basis for post-processing analyses. Each hands-on session will be reviewed in relation to the clinical data.