In Search of Lost Time 4

Epilepsy care challenges from neonates to adults

Rome, Italy

13 - 15 December 2023

Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to save the date of the 4th edition of the "In search of lost time" workshop, endorsed by the European Reference Network for Rare and Complex Epilepsies, ERN EpiCARE.

The workshop will be held in Rome, Italy, from Wednesday, 13 December in the afternoon to Friday, 15 December lunchtime.

This year the workshop will be on "Epilepsy Care Challenges from Neonates to Adults", a contribution to the activities of the ERN EpiCARE to translate into actions in Europe the WHO Directive on "Epilepsy and other neurological disorders".

The workshop will discuss in detail two important areas of epilepsy care:

  • Neonatal seizures and epilepsies
  • Epileptic Seizures in brain disorders

 As in its previous editions the workshop will also include:

  • A session under the leadership of patient advocates. It is indeed important for the clinicians to better understand to what extent the unpredictability of an active epilepsy is an additional major handicap to the underlying neurological disability due to aetiology
  • A session reserved to next-generation experts during which young epileptologists can present their work in the fields of neonatal epilepsies or the one of epileptic seizures as a symptom in brain and other neurological disorders
  • A session reserved to advanced therapeutic medical products and updates from Pharma

The different topics to be treated during the workshop and the list of invited speakers can be found below. We will soon provide you with a more detailed program.

In the meantime, SAVE THE DATE!

On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees

Nicola Specchio
Alexis Arzimanoglou
Federico Vigevano