Joint British and Danish ILAE British Advanced Epilepsy Meeting: Channelopathies and Neurosurgery
The Scandic Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark
9 - 10 May 2019
This two-day meeting of the British and Danish ILAE branches addresses two topics of advanced epileptology: epilepsy surgery and channelopathies. Experts in these fields will review the state of the art of these rapidly developing areas. Case presentations will help to relate new knowledge in clinical practice.
Following the meeting, participants will be able to:
- Comprehend risks and benefits of epilepsy surgery
- Identify patients who need to be evaluated for epilepsy surgery
- Understand the importance of the multidisciplinary approach in presurgical evaluation
- Integrate novel diagnostic and surgical techniques in presurgical evaluation
- Comprehend the importance of channelopathies in patients with epilepsy
- Identify patients in whom genetic testing for channelopathies is indicated
- Use precision medicine in treatment of patients with channelopathies
A talented faculty will be delivering a brilliant programme. You can find details here
We are inviting abstract submissions describing Epilepsy Surgery cases for possible presentation. Abstracts describing worked up, adult and paediatric cases who have undergone epilepsy surgery, where there are interesting and educational aspects will be chosen for presentation.
Abstract length: Not more than 500 words.
Read Abstract Submission Guidelines
Important Deadlines
- Abstract submission deadline: February 28th, 2019 at 23:00 hrs
- Abstract acceptance: 23rd March 2019
- Deadline for author registration: 31st March 2019
Submitting authors will need to confirm they have patient consent for the case presentation, including videos of seizures. Please can you confirm this in writing at the bottom of the abstract.
Cases with a lesson are more likely to be chosen if they fulfil at least one or more of the following criteria:
- Innovative treatment solutions
- Well defined localisation of clinical phenomena
- Clear resolution of a clinical conundrum
- Unusual semiology
- Post-surgical resolution / cure
- A pitfall in practice
The registration fee is £220.00 and includes attendance to all sessions, conference materials, lunches and refreshments in the breaks during the conference days
Hotel booking
A number of hotel rooms in difference price categories have been pre-booked in the Scandic for the conference. Book your accommodation before the hotel booking deadline, after this date we cannot guarantee availability. Book your room via the online booking service when you register for the conference. And do note the cancellation policy and date.
Alternatively, there are cheaper accommodation options available throughout the city. Find out more here.
More Information? Visit the website to find out about accommodation, venue and travel details.
Book your place today!
For questions regarding online registration, abstracts and/or meeting logistics, please contact the events team via the following email: or
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