Paros Epilepsy
Paros Agnanti Hotel in Paros, Greece
22 - 26 April 2024
Dear colleagues and friends,
Epilepsy surgery has been relying on anatomo-clinical correlation for more than a century and much knowledge has been accumulated over decades, in particular since the advances of long-term video-EEG monitoring.
With the more recent worldwide deployment of SEEG, fine correlations have further progressed, as well as our understanding of their potential bias, ambiguities and limitations.
We believe that a comprehensive systematic assessment of these anatomo-clinical correlations is much needed, and have thus organized this endeavour with the joint endorsement support of the European Reference Network EpiCARE, ILAE-Europe and the ILAE educational journal Epileptic Disorders.
We have devised 52 topics, 30 of which aims at assessing the localizing value of various ictal signs and symptoms, while another 22 will investigate the ictal semiology associated with seizures originating from different brain sub-regions.
Each of these 52 topics will be addressed by one or more epilepsy surgery centers, with the aim of producing a PRISMA-guided systematic review to be published in Epileptic Disorders, and its presentation during the dedicated Paros meeting in April 2024.
The meeting itself will take place in a unique and magnificent venue in the Greek Cyclades, thanks to the support of the Greek League Against Epilepsy.
We anticipate to share a wonderful, intellectually exciting and memorable moment, that shall provide a landmark in clinical epileptology.
We thus hope to see you there.
Organizing Committee
Alexis Arzimanoglou
Sandor Beniczky
Philippe Kahane
Vasilis Kimiskidis
Philippe Ryvlin
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