Pre-Colloquium Teaching Course - Continuous EEG in ICU
University College London in London, United Kingdom
7 April 2024
The interpretation of EEG both in status epilepticus and on the intensive care unit is notoriously difficult, and yet there are few settings in which EEG is not more important, and both are settings in which the skilful use of EEG can make an enormous difference to clinical outcomes. Furthermore, recording in the intensive care unit carries problems not encountered in the normal EEG recording laboratories. Debate rages about the how much and how often EEG should be performed and which techniques are optimal. This is an area where practice varies quite considerably in different units and different countries. This teaching course is aimed at all doctors treating patients with status epilepticus and/or patients in intensive care settings, and also for EEG technologists. The emphasis is on providing practical guidance for patient management in these clinical settings and practical advice in different clinical situations. The course is taught by a distinguished international faculty who give their experience of practice in Europe and the USA.
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