AED withdrawal in adults and children - and after successful epilepsy surgery

EpiCARE webinar

17 December 2020,  17:00 - 18:00 Central European Time

Presented by Morten I. Lossius

Professor MD PhD Morten Ingvar Lossius is a neurologist and epileptologist working at the National Centre for Epilepsy in Norway. He has extensive clinical experience, particularly with youth and adults with difficult-to-treat epilepsy. His research has mainly been focused on AED withdrawal, AED side effects, post stroke epilepsy, psychiatric comorbidity and risk-taking behavior in children and adolescents with epilepsy. He is and has been involved as board member in national and international epilepsy organizations and networks.

He has performed a double-blind, randomized controlled AED-withdrawal study (the only one to date) . The results of this study will briefly be presented, in addition to other studies in this field, including meta-analyses. He will also address risk factors for seizure relapse and putative consequences of AED-withdrawal.

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