Generalized Seizures : From clinical phenomenology to underlying systems and networks

Generalized Seizures : From clinical phenomenology to underlying systems and networks


Frederick Andermann
Patrick Chauvel
Dr. Jerome Engel, Jr, M.D., Ph.D.
Edouard Hirsch
Fernando Lopes da Silva
Hans Luders


John Libbey Eurotext

Additional Details

Length: 336 pp
Cost: 77 € (15% discount for ILAE members with code EPILEPSY)
Type: hardcover

The present book is the fruit of a workshop, designed as a discussion forum, with the participation of experts from all over the world, to extensively review clinical, neurophysiological and fundamental research available data in order to generate new axes for research, clinical practice and care.

The first section traces back to the definitions and concepts underlying the terms “generalized seizures and epilepsies”.

Section II reviews human and animal data suggesting that the brainstem network plays an important role for tonic seizures generation.

The third and fourth sections analyze recent knowledge on cortico-thalamic and basal ganglia networks in absence and myoclonic seizures, both in animal models and in humans.

The fifth section compares the phenomenology of “Primary versus Secondary Tonico-clonic seizures”, including animal data, clinical expression in humans and genetics.

Section VI goes back to the discussion “Cortical” versus “Centrencephalic” theories. The last two chapters thoroughly review the clinical applications of current knowledge, in terms of pharmacological approach and clinical care.

ISBN: 2-7420-0621-4


Views: 150 Last Updated: June 14, 2018