Epigraph Volume 9 Issue 3, Summer 2007
In This Issue
- From the Information Officer: ILAE and Epilepsy (Ed Bertram)
- President's Message (Peter Wolf)
- ILAE Welcomes New Chapters and Chapter Reporting Update
- Workshops at the International Chapter Convention Plan Future Directions and Priorities
- Morris-Coole Prize Winner: Dr Zita Gubja
- 2007 Michael Prize: Alon Friedman and Christophe Bernard
- Faculty of 1000 Task Force (Emilio Perucca)
- New Discounted Journal: Epilepsies
- New ILAE Task Force Seeks Ways to Bring Better Treatments to Patients (Annamaria Vezzani)
- Internet-based Entry Level EEG Course: A successful Beginning to the Distance Education Initiative (Walter Van Emde Boas and Demetrios N. Velis)
- San Servolo Epilepsy Summer School
- Epilepsy Neurosurgery: Another Treatment Gap (Gary Mathern)
- Upcoming congresses
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