JAMA Neurology

Assessment of the Predictive Value of Outpatient Smartphone Videos for Diagnosis of Epileptic Seizures

22 January, 2020

William O. Tatum, Lawrence J. Hirsch, Michael A. Gelfand, et al

JAMA Neurology January21, 2020 JAMA Neurol. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.4785

Key Points


How accurately does smartphone video–based diagnosis by epileptologists and residents predict final video electroencephalogram diagnosis of paroxysmal neurological events?


This diagnostic study conducted at 8 tertiary care epilepsy centers found that video reviewed by experts predicted a final diagnosis with an accuracy of 89% for epileptic seizures and 86% for psychogenic nonepileptic attacks. The findings also confirmed the ability to perform a secure exchange of smartphone videos among multiple institutions.


This study provides class II evidence demonstrating the high accuracy of smartphone videography and validates its value as an adjunct to routine history and physical examination.

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