Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders Adopted by the World Health Organization
27 January, 2022
On 27 January 2022, at the 150th session of the World Health Organization Executive Board, the draft Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders (IGAP) was approved. The draft IGAP will be presented to the World Health Assembly for an adoption vote by all Member States in May 2022.
The full discussion on IGAP, including a statement given on behalf of ILAE by Prof. J. Helen Cross, ILAE president, begins during Session 8 at timestamp 1:55:50 and continues through to Session 9 until timestamp 38:05.
ILAE position statement re: EB150/1, agenda item 7: (g) Draft intersectoral global action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders
“The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) promotes evidence-based treatment for people with epilepsy through a global network of over 26,000 professionals.
The ILAE congratulates the Secretariat for the excellent draft Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders and the exemplary consultation process that led to its development.
ILAE commends the inclusion of Target 5.1 addressing epilepsy services and Target 5.2 tackling discrimination. Epilepsy is highly treatable – and both stigma and exclusion are preventable.
ILAE notes that all 10 target areas in the Action Plan are relevant to epilepsy. To align with Resolution WHA 73.10, ILAE recommends that all targets use the phrase ‘epilepsy and other neurological disorders.’
ILAE looks forward to working with Member States and partners to support implementation and to collaborate in using the strengthening of epilepsy services as an entry point for improving access to care for other neurological disorders.”
Thank you to the following Executive Board members who spoke in favour of the IGAP: Botswana, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, India, Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Oman, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Tunisia, the UAE and UK.
Other Member States that supported the IGAP are all African Nations, Australia, Brazil, China, Israel, Jamaica, the Philippines and USA.
ILAE is very grateful for the attention to the needs of people with epilepsy on part of the WHO, as well as these governments. With such support, the IGAP will help to strengthen the prevention, detection, care, treatment, and equal opportunities for people with epilepsy and other neurological disorders worldwide.
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