Epilepsy Bibliography (1945-2012)
Atlas and Classification of Electroencephalography (Translated from the German edition by Lüders HO, Noachtar S, eds)
Authors: Benson JK, transl
Publisher: WB Saunders - USA, Philadelphia (203 pages)
Language: English
Type: Translation
Codes: ISBN: 0721665543
- Clinical Diagnostic Procedures
Atlas of Epileptic Seizures & Syndromes (Translated from Lüders H, Noachter S, eds, Atlas und Video Epileptischer Anfälle und Syndrome, 1995)
Authors: Benson JK, transl
Publisher: W.B. Saunders - USA, Philadelphia (208 pages)
Language: English
Type: Translation
Codes: ISBN: 0721669468
- Clinical Aspects in General
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