Epilepsy Bibliography (1945-2012)

Note: For the United States and the United Kingdom use USA and UK, respectively, for all others spell out the country name.


Epilepsy and Self-help

Authors: Brulleman B, Lieb-Jückstock Y, Loeber JN, Thorbecke R, eds
Journal: Report of the International Workshop for Patient Organizations and Self-help Groups, Heeze, The Netherlands, 1987
Publisher: International Bureau for Epilepsy - Netherlands, Heemstede (43 pages)
Language: English
Type: Proceedings / abstracts / reports of organization / meeting
Codes: ISBN: ?

  • Sociology, Legislation, Education
  • For Health Workers, Teachers, Parents and Patients

Selbsthilfe bei Epilepsie

Authors: Brulleman B, Lieb-Jückstock Y, Loeber JN, Thorbecke R, eds
Publisher: International Bureau for Epilepsy - Netherlands, Heemstede (? pages)
Language: German
Type: Non-serial independent book
Codes: ISBN: ?

  • For Health Workers, Teachers, Parents and Patients