Chapter Name: Czech League against Epilepsy
Report By: Ondřej Horák, MD (secretary general) and Milan Brázdil, MD, PhD, FRCP (past president)


Many papers in both national and international journals - see WOS

Summary of Activities:

In 2019-2020 the Czech League against Epilepsy moved forward and continued its fundamental activities despite the COVID 19 pandemic's challenges. It worked hard to facilitate virtual exchanges and continued forging relationships on the national and international levels. From the clinical perspective it has been working to continuously define and improve standards of treatment in the light of new scientific knowledge and evidence to provide patient the best care possible. In addition to clinical and scientific work mentioned, a new Executive Committee was elected in 2019, new webpage was launched and the number of members has kept increasing steadily (to date 246 members).

Professional and educational activities:

Public outreach activities:

Government liasions:


To maintain high level of health care for epilepsy patients in the COVID pandemy and to complete a longstanding discussion with health care providers on relevant financing of epilepsy surgery in the Czech Republic.

Future Plans:

Czech League against Epilepsy is committed to intensify cooperation and deepen integration of its activities within both the European Reference Network (ERN) EpiCare, EBRAINs and the wider international community to provide the best evidence-based care for epilepsy patients and further to improve its educational programs and epilepsy research.

Officer Election Date: October 2023