Chapter Name: ÖGFE Österreichische Gesellschaft für Epileptologie (Austrian Society for Epileptology)
Report By: Edda Haberlandt (Chairman)
Joint publication together with ÖGN (Austrian Society for Neurology) concering new developments in epilepsy published an epilepsy day in february
Summary of Activities:
- „Dreiländertagung“ 3.-6.5.2017 Vienna Austria, 1.024 participants
- „DACH–Tagung“ 12. – 14.10.2017, Prien am Chiemsee, Germany
- „Jahrestagung des Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizer Arbeitskreises Epilepsie“, 11.-13. Oktober 2018, Congress Wolfgangsee/ St. Wolfgang, Austria
- 13th European Congress on Epileptology (26.-30. August 2018), Vienna Austria
Board Meetings
- 2017: 02.02.2017, 03.05.2017, 03.10.2017, 24.11.2017
- 2018: 19.04.2018, 29.08.2018, 15.11.2018
- Forschungsstipendium 2017 für Dr. Alexandra Rohracher
- Forschungstipendium 2018 für Dr. Martin Krenn
- Ernst Niedermeyer Prize 2017
- Dr. Claudia Granbichler mit 19 Punkten: Potential years lost and life expectancy in adults with newly diagnosed epilepsy
- Herbert Reisner Prize 2018
- Jury: Haberlandt, Unterberger, Luef, Trinka
- Dr. Karin Trimmel: Left temporal lobe language network connectivity in temporal lobe epilepsy
Motivation of more members to participate in the management board
Future Plans:
"Journal of Clinical Epileptologie" - joint journal of DGfE, ÖGfE, DGfE and Swiss league against epilepsy
Officer Election Date: November 2020
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