Chapter Name: Iraqi League Against Epilepsy (IqLAE)
Report By: Dr Ghaieb Aljandeel/ Sec General of IqLAE/ Chair_elect of ILAE-EMR (2021-2025)


A no. of researches and papers were continued and published in Iraqi and international juornals

Summary of Activities:

The activities of the IqLAE in the two years (2019 & 2020) were restricted because of the Corona Pandemic like the situations elsewhere in the world and are practically confined to the activities held in the year 2019

Among those activities are the following:
1-The most important activity was the 'public Celebration' of the Iraqi League in the "Epilepsy Purple Day= 26th of March" which was held on Friday 19th of April 2019; The Chapter invited a no of Iraqi Families of 'epileptic patients' from Baghdad City and celebrated through a no of activities throughout the whole day time including:

2-Two symposia about 'Epilepsy Management" in two 'child hospitals' in Baghdad

3-Contiuation of 'Epilepsy Clinic activities' in Baghdad Medical City every Wednesday

4-Opening of New 'Epilepsy Clinic' at "Child Hospital' every Monday since 2019

5-Those activities continued till March 2020 when the new regulations for 'Corona Pandemic' was started and then everything was stopped, cancelled or posponed

6- In 2020 the 'Online lectures and Symposia' activities were started at the 2nd half of the year 2020; those lectures were presented by members of the chapter while the symposia were arranged by the Iraqi Chapter in collaboration with 'drugs Companies'


The main challenge was the 'Covid 19 pandemic' as it is the situation elsewhere in the world together with local 'financial and security issues'

Future Plans:

it is a 'wish' to start the usual activities of symposia and conferences after the end of the pandemic to compensate for the 'lack' of activities in 2020

Officer Election Date: March 6th 2021