Chapter Name: Lega Italiana Contro l'Epilessia - Italian ILAE Chapter
Report By: Laura Tassi Vice President



Summary of Activities:

Lega Italiana Contro l’Epilessia – Italian ILAE Chapter
Report LICE for ILAE 2019-2020
The chapter election was held in June 2017, during the national LICE congress in Rome.

President Oriano MECARELLI
VicePresident Laura TASSI
Past President Giuseppe CAPOVILLA
Segretary General Carlo Andrea GALIMBERTI
Treasurer Angela LA NEVE
Board Members:
Francesca BISULLI
Giuseppe d’ORSI
Monica LODI
Pasquale STRIANO
Probiviri Roberto MICHELUCCI
Paolo Tinuper
Federico Vigevano

Organization of the Polycentric meeting in Rome with almost 400 attendees with the usual organization of discussion of unresolved cases and meetings of the Commissions and Study Groups. Created a digital archive on the website with all the presented cases in the last 10 years.

Regional and national initiatives for the International Epilepsy Day with purple lighting of the main Italian monuments.

National Congress held in Rome, with more than 600 attendees. The principal theme was "From the etiological diagnosis to the choice of treatment". Patient associations are also invited.
Drafting of Position paper on "Epilepsy and Tumors" by the specific commission.
The Italian translation of the ILAE Position Paper on the classification of seizures and epilepsy has been completed.
The School Project begins with the use of digital platforms connected to the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Patients Associations.

LICE Foundation provides three grants of 40,000 euros each for research projects.

Polycentric meeting with maximum number of members: 450.

Various initiatives with purple illumination of monuments

The LICE Video-EEG course that should have been held in Catania, has been canceled due to a Covid pandemic.

The Board decides to extend the statutory offices in force in theory until June 2020, for the Pandemic, until next year in February on the occasion of the Polycentric Meeting.

Unfortunately, we were forced to cancel the congress in person, and organize it online. Incredible success of subscribers (over 740) and participants (maximum peak of connections of over 700 participants) at the National Virtual Congress. The chosen principal theme: “De novo refractory epileptic status”.
Many activities in collaboration with Patient Associations on the legislative and social security front, with various meetings in the Senate and with the Minister of Health, for the incardination of new laws and support for the WHA resolution.

Modification, during the online Shareholders' Meeting, of the statute to allow online elections.
Choice of the theme for the next Congress in June 2021 (online? In attendance?) "Evolution of Childhood-Adolescent Onset Epilepsies: the Transition".

Organization for the new World Epilepsy Day with the creation of a contest for patients, where they can send their artistic contributions.

* At present Members under 40 yrs represent more than 40% of the total.

* All the Commission are hardly working, organizing meeting (virtual) and Recommendations and dissemination.

* We have a very dynamic web site: is available to all, and to the Members are dedicated many sections of education and Video-Gallery.

* The Clinical Video-Gallery was implemented with neurosurgical cases and clinical difficult cases Videos.

* The new YES Section Is also very effective, organizing meeting and discussion. A peculiar session mentor-mentee in under construction.

* The Italian Chapter submitted the expression of interest in hosting the ECE in 2023 in Italy.

Best regards
Oriano Mecarelli - LICE President
Laura Tassi - LICE Vice-President
Carlo Andrea Galimberti - LICE Segretary General
Maura Stella - Secretariat


See above

Future Plans:

see above

Officer Election Date: 2021 February 12