Chapter Name: Liga Uruguaya contra la Epilepsia (LUCE)
Report By: Andrea Rey


Revista Uruguaya de Epilepsia (RUE)- Vol 27 No.1 and 27 No.2 (Aug/Dec 2019)

Revista Uruguaya de Epilepsia (RUE)- Vol 28 No.1 and 28 No.2 (Aug/Dec 2020)

Clinical guide of care in the first level of health. Guide for the care and treatment of people with epilepsy for health personnel

Summary of Activities:

Annual scientific meeting 2019:

Participation/support to local academic activities:

Advocacy and public outreach:

Government liasons:

Report on the use of cannabinoids in epilepsy for the Ministry of Public Health, to approve its inclusion as a drug in the national therapeutic formulary. (Andrea Rey)


Future Plans:

To promote an active discussion, leading to the approval of a Law on Epilepsy.

Working close to the IBE chapter and the existing Association of parents of children with epilepsy, to achieve common goals.

To increase the visibility of the League, improving and extending our activities devoted to the whole community.

Officer Election Date: November 2021