Chapter Name: Swiss League against Epilepsy (Schweizerische Epilepsie-Liga / Ligue Suisse contre l’Epilepsie)
Report By: Julia Franke


Regular publications

Journal “Epileptologie” (Epileptology): One special issue was published in 2019, “Attitudes to epilepsy in Switzerland: Population survey 2018”.

Future plans, see below.

Annual report (German, French)

Continuing presence on Facebook (more than 1,000 subscribers)

Monthly e-newsletter (about 8,800 German-speaking and more than 2,400 French-speaking recipients)

E-Newsletter for doctors, mainly in English (about 5-6 times per year)

New information leaflets/brochures, both printed and online:

More new publications:

Summary of Activities:

Annual meetings



Summary of other activities in 2019 and 2020


Elections May 2020

As the AGM had to be postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the members of the Epilepsy League were given the opportunity to cast their vote by mail.120 of about 800 members participated.

Newly elected:

Re-elected: Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Rüegg, now past-president; Vice-President, Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Rossetti; treasurer, Mr. Marco Beng. Dr. med. Pamela Agazzi, PD Dr. med. Alexandre Datta, Ms. Noëlle Mercier; Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Sarnthein; Prof. Dr. med. Margitta Seeck, Mr. Urs Sennhauser.

Retired, Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Thomas Grunwald, Dr. med. Anna Maria Hew-Winzeler, Dr. med. Klaus Meyer, Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Kaspar Schindler.


The coronavirus pandemic had a huge influence on our event planning and our everyday work life. Fortunately, a part of the sponsoring funds could be diverted to other projects, such as publications.

The financial situation eased in 2019 thanks to a larger inheritance in favour of the league. Nevertheless, finances remain a challenge as regular income continues to be lower than expenditure.

Future Plans:

Officer Election Date: Spring 2022