Harinarayan Young Neuroscientist Award 2019
Gautham K Bhargava
"Phase amplitude coupling of low frequencies with high frequency oscillations localizes epileptogenic zone in magnetoencephalography (MEG)"
Bhargava GK, Narayannan M, Ramon C, Kandavel T, Kenchaiah R, Mundlamuri R, Bharath RD, Saini J, Arima A, Bhaskara Rao M, Sinha S
Gautham Bahargava is pursuing his PhD in Clinical Neurosciences in NIMHANS. His PhD thesis deals with drug resistant epilepsy and new methodologies of localization and characterization of epileptogenic zone in epilepsy surgery and network changes in epilepsy. He is presently involved in routine analysis of MEG recordings and in the presurgical evaluation for epilepsy surgical candidates in the epilepsy programme at NIMHANS, as well as being involved in the routine clinical care of epilepsy patients through the out-patient department. His research interests include scale free activity and its applications in MEG, oscillatory activity and changes in epilepsy and network changes in epilepsy.
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