Education Council
To work within the framework of the ILAE Strategic Plan and Mission to overview all aspects of ILAE Educational activities and projects. The Council will make recommendations to the Executive Committee about strategies to enhance the quality, relevance and profile of ILAE Educational activities, steps needed to stay abreast of technical and educational advances, and regarding financial sustainability of ILAE education activities.
Specific activities include, but are not limited to:
- Online Courses and ILAE Academy,
- ILAE Educational credits, examination and certificates,
- Sponsorship and support of non-ILAE courses and symposia,
- ILAE Education on Primary care,
- ILAE collaboration with other organizations for the purpose of education,
- Educational activities at ILAE Congresses
- Assessing the effectiveness of ILAE educational activities
- Exploring certification of educational activities organized by other entities.
The Education Council replaced the Epilepsy Education Task Force.
Criteria for Appointment of Members and Chair and term limits
In addition to the process described under the document entitled Structure of ILAE Organizational Entities, the criteria for appointing Chair and Members are as follows:
- Chair: The Chair will have served in the Education Council during the previous term and is appointed by the ILAE President from among the Council Members in consultation with the Executive Committee. The term of the Chair will be four years plus two years as past chair and cannot serve more than one term as Chair.
- Members: One representative for education from each Region as recommended by the Regional Board. In the case of Regions that have Academies, a member of the respective Academy will be the representative. One editor from Epileptic Disorders. One editor of the Wikipedia project. One or two members from each of the following Task Forces: Curriculum Development, Education in Primary Care, Congress Council Education representative, Diagnostic commission, Web-Media, and YES. A Liaison of the Management Committee appointed by the President. Members will serve for the duration of their term in the office they represent, and for a maximum of four years. All members will serve for one term only, unless appointed as Chair. Members may be added as needed to meet the needs of the organization.
revised April 2020
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