9th Caucasian Summer School on Clinical Epileptology (CSSCE-IX)

New vision on Diagnosis, Treatment and Care of Epilepsy

Hotel "ZP-Palace#2" in Tbilisi, Georgia

11 - 13 October 2019

Course Announcement: Details including registration fees, bursary, and application instructions.


Application form

This course is designed for applicants providing care for patients with epilepsy and who wish to refine their skills in epileptology. Pediatric and Adults’ specialists in neurology, psychiatry, pediatrics, clinical neurophysiologists and neuropsychologists are welcome to apply. The CSSCE addresses doctors primarily from the Caucasian region, but applicants from other countries may also be accepted if there are still places available.


The course is focused on comprehensive aspects of diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy according to new guidelines and recommendations of ILAE. It will also include the comprehensive care of patients with epilepsy. Different issues of adult and pediatric epileptology will be covered.

The didactic format will promote the combination of lectures and interactive case discussions. Case orientated learning is emphasized. Didactic cases provided by tutors and case reports prepared by participants are planned to be discussed in small groups of participants.

Learning objectives

The course, on completion, will enable the participants to receive the up-to-date information and expert opinion on the main topics of clinical epileptology, to improve their competence and gain practical skills in the diagnostic work-up and decision-making concerning the management of different aspects of pediatric and adult epileptology. The tutorials held by experienced epileptologists through interactive education are expected to provoke vivid discussions and to stimulate critical diagnostic approach, especially regarding the EEG, neuroimaging and pharmacotherapy. Didactic cases provided by tutors in case-oriented learning will be useful to students in dealing with clinical problems in daily practice. By presenting their own case or scientific reports during the group sessions, the participants are encouraged to improve the competence and confidence in lecturing and teaching.

The teaching methodology is elaborated in cooperation with ILAE and ILAE-Europe.

The 9th CSSCE will be given in English.

Organizing Committee

Chair: Sofia Kasradze

Co-Chairs: Nana Tatishvili, Meir Bialer, Federico Vigevano