ASEPA-ANZAN Pre-Congress EEG Teaching Course
(prior to AOEC 2025)
All India Institutes of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, India
18 - 19 February 2025
The primary aim of the EEG course is to provide an introduction to routine diagnostic EEG.
This course is focused on an interactive, “hands-on” format with 1-hour small-group tutorials during which EEGs are read under the guidance a skilled mentor, each tutorial preceded by a 30-minute lecture on the main EEG topics to be covered.
It is impossible to become skilled in such a complex area as EEG in two days, but we hope to provide you with a foundation on which you can build over the coming years. For those already reporting EEG, we trust you will find the revision useful – the faculty certainly do!
We encourage trainees to spend time in their EEG labs and to observe an EEG being performed. An understanding of how EEG is recorded is vital to its interpretation and many technicians are excellent teachers. We also encourage you to read EEGs on your own, write a report and then review the EEG and your report with your mentor rather than simply looking over a qualified person's shoulder. We also encourage you to do the self-assessment programmes (the “quiz”) during the year after attending the course to evaluate your progress in EEG.
We are indebted to the many tutors and lecturers from our region who are helping with the course and have prepared lectures, spent many hours reviewing the tutorial material and given up two days to teach.
We hope you enjoy the course and develop an appreciation for the power and beauty of EEG.
Sign up now for the 2-day EEG pre-congress teaching courses as spaces are limited!
Organizers: ASEPA, ILAE-Asia & Oceania, and the Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN)
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