Dravet Syndrome Conference 2019

From seizures to genes: how Dravet syndrome is changing the way we treat epilepsy

Madrid, Spain

26 September 2019

Dravet Syndrome Conference program

Buenos días,

Desde la Fundación Síndrome de Dravet nos ponemos en contacto con usted para invitarle a participar en la Dravet Syndrome Conference 2019, que se celebrará el próximo de 26 de septiembre de 2019 en las instalaciones de la Fundación Once (C/Sebastián Herrera 15, 28012 Madrid) de 09:00 a 16:30h. 

La conferencia tiene como objetivo reunir a médicos, investigadores y profesionales de la industria farmacéutica, para que puedan actualizar sus conocimientos y mejorar la vida de las personas con epilepsia, con énfasis en el síndrome de Dravet.

Les rogamos que por favor hagan difusión entre sus colegas en los campos de epilepsia, neurología, neuropediatría, genética o investigación en neurociencia y que se inscriban en la conferencia lo antes posible, ya que la jornada dispone de plazas limitadas. La inscripción a esta conferencia es gratuita y se puede realizar en el siguiente enlace: dravetconference.com/registration/

Adjuntamos el programa provisional de la conferencia, que cuenta con el aval científico de la Sociedad Española de Neurología

Esperamos que esta información sea de su interés y aprovechamos la ocasión para enviarle un cordial saludo.

Un abrazo, 

José Ángel Aibar | Presidente


This event is designed to bring together a range of professionals committed to improving the lives of people with epilepsy, including clinicians, researchers and professionals from the pharmaceutical industry.

There will be speaker presentations on the latest advances in epilepsy drug development using Dravet syndrome as an example of how the understanding and treatment of epilepsy has evolved and is constantly evolving over the years. Presentations will include a variety of therapeutic modalities including small molecules, antisense oligonucleotides and gene therapy.

More information

Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain was founded in 2011 by a group of parents with children affected by this rare disease, a group of impatient patients who do not resign themselves to the course of this disease. Our objective is to facilitate, foster and promote the development of research in the environment of Dravet syndrome in order to progress in the knowledge of its causes, improve its diagnosis and find effective treatments to mitigate and eliminate the adverse effects of this disease.

We encourage all stakeholders in health and medicines R&D to join this conference: policy makers, academics and researchers, pharmaceutical industry and other sectors in healthcare, SMEs and mid-sized enterprises, regulators, representatives of other public-private partnerships and research-funding organisations.

José Ángel Aibar. President, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain

Registration website

Register here