
EEC 2026 - Session Proposals Submit

Building on the success of the recent EEC 2024 in Rome, the Scientific and Organising Committee (SOC) invites you to submit a proposal for a session to form part of the programme of the 16th European Epilepsy Congress, Athens 2026. The EEC has a well-deserved reputation for scientific and educational excellence and the SOC would like you to contribute to this.  

Parallel Sessions are structured from and based on a variety of themes selected from session proposals submitted. 
The aim of the SOC is to create a comprehensive programme which will encompass topical and varied themes.  

Please note that the SOC will be responsible for the final selection of sessions and that presentations and/or speakers may be changed or amended to fit the overall programme as the SOC deems it appropriate. 

Extended Deadline: 14 February


Submit session proposal

Please review the following important points before preparing a session proposal: 

  1. Parallel Sessions are 90 minutes; please prepare your proposal with this in mind. Generally, Parallel Sessions consist of 3 or 4 presentations, but there can exceptionally be more presentations in the session. 
  2. The SOC welcomes proposals for sessions from all people in the field of epilepsy. Proposals from young people in the early stage of their career are especially encouraged. 
  3. Include the name and contact details of the person submitting the proposal. 
  4. The person submitting a proposal does not have to be included in the programme proposed. However, all correspondence will be sent to the person submitting the proposal and it will be his/her responsibility to pass the information to the proposer. 
  5. A person/group proposing a session should have substantial experience in the proposed topic. 
  6. Proposals for sessions should allow for time for discussion and interaction with the audience. 
  7. When suggesting speakers, it is essential to ensure regional, geographical, gender and age diversity. 
  8. With a few exceptions, each individual may only appear twice as a speaker and/or a Chair during the congress sessions (not including the teaching programme or satellite sessions). 
  9. Whenever appropriate, sessions should cover both paediatric and adult aspects of a specific topic or even reflect the evolution throughout the lifetime. Where applicable, the inclusion of complementary presentations addressing clinical and basic science is encouraged. 
  10. Whenever appropriate, sessions should include social aspects of the topic. 
  11. Geographical  balance towards Europe in each session, a maximum of one speaker from outside the region in each session.  
  12. The inclusion of young epileptologists in every session (under 40 years of age) is expected. 
  13. Session proposals may only be submitted using this online form; proposals will not be accepted if submitted in any other way. 

Deadline for submission of proposals: Friday, 07 February 2025

Please note: 
- The SOC will review all proposals and will be responsible for the final selection/creation of sessions. Presentations and/or speakers may be changed or amended to fit the overall programme as the SOC deems it appropriate. 
- All proposals will be given due consideration, but the submission of a proposal does not guarantee approval by the SOC.  
- Notification of the SOC’s decision will be made following the review process, in early Summer 2025. 

Submit session proposal

  1. Adult Epileptology
  2. Basic Sciences
  3. Climate Change
  4. Clinical Neurophysiology
  5. Comorbidities
  6. Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies (DEEs)
  7. Digital Health and Neurotechnology
  8. Drug Therapy
  9. Epidemiology
  10. Epilepsy and Intellectual Disability
  11. Epilepsy and Reproductive Health
  12. Epilepsy and Structural lesions
  13. Epilepsy in Older People
  14. Epilepsy in Resource-restricted Settings
  15. Epilepsy Surgery
  16. Genetics
  17. Immune/Infection mediated epilepsies
  18. Metabolic Epilepsies
  19. Neuroimaging
  20. Neuropsychology
  21. Neurostimulation
  22. Nursing
  23. Paediatric Epileptology
  24. Psychiatry
  25. Public Health Policy (Including IGAP)
  26. Social Issues
  27. Status Epilepticus
  28. SUDEP & Mortality
  29. Terminology and Classification

Congress Begins

263Days : 10Hours : 15Minutes : 33Seconds

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