Epigraph Vol. 12 Issue 3, Summer 2010
Bookstore on the ILAE Website
There has been a steady increase in the number of books published that are relevant to epilepsy that members of the League will likely find useful for their practice or research. However, keeping up with the books that are available is no easy task. To help make the job easier we have created this Bookstore as a service to our membership. In it publishers can provide information on their epilepsy-related books. They may also provide information on where and how to purchase the books. The League does not sell the books.
The Bookstore is in the early stages of evolution, and we expect to add new titles and publishers on a regular basis, so please check back frequently for new additions.
There are currently six books listed. If you have authored a book, please encourage your publisher to list their book on this Web site.
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