Epilepsy Surgery Curriculum
5 August, 2024
Dear colleagues,
We ask for 10 minutes of your time to provide input on a proposed curriculum for epilepsy surgeons. The Epilepsy Surgery Education Task Force of the ILAE Surgical Therapies Commission has developed a competency-based curriculum (CV) on epilepsy for neurosurgeons. This is supposed to be a core knowledge CV that would provide guidance for epilepsy surgery training centers worldwide. This does not mean that every trainee would be able to perform all the procedures included but represent the adequate knowledge base needed to adequately manage people with refractory epilepsy who could be good surgical candidates.
We invite your feedback and also appeal to you to disseminate this information among your peers. We really value your opinion.
Draft: Proposed Epilepsy Surgery Curriculum
Many thanks for your time in this important endeavor.
Best Wishes,
Dario Englot and Arthur Cukiert
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