Chapter Name: Mongolian Epilepsy Society
Report By: A.Tovuudorj


1. Amarjargal M., Tovuudorj A., Study of memory impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy. The 5th Annual meeting of the Mongolian neuroscience society 2018, UB p 40
2. Amarjargal M., Tsagaankhuu G.,Tovuudorj A. Clinical characteristics of mesial temporal Lobe epilepsy with hipocampal sclerosis and temporal lobe epilepsies due to other etiologies. CAJMS, Ulaanbaatar, 2017 November; 6 (6) 311-317.

Summary of Activities:

In 2002, the academic cooperation between Mongolian Epilepsy Society and Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences and Commission of Asian Ocean Affairs was established. Since that time the CAOA and ASEPA have done many of the effective works and trainings toward enhancing the health care of Mongolian patients with epilepsy and sharing the knowledge on advanced methods and experiences of epilepsy diagnosis, treatment and care. The International Epilepsy Symposium has been organized by Department of Neurology, Mongolian Epilepsy Society once in every 2 years, since 2012. The Mongolian Epilepsy Society and Association are actively promoting educational activities on epilepsy to improve quality of life of affected people. These activities help people with epilepsy and their family members by improving access to health care services and preventing stigma and discrimination.
Epilepsy care in Mongolia has been improving steadily in the recent years, there are still gaps that need to be addressed. We need to strengthen the capacity of health care workers, especially in rural areas; provide necessary equipment for diagnosis of epilepsy and ensure adequate supply of essential medicines, especially for the poor and disadvantaged people. Improving families and communities knowledge and attitude on management of epilepsy is also very important.
We have successfully organized the ASEPA EEG and Epilepsy and Ketogenic workshops in September of 2018 in Ulaanbaatar.


5th International epilepsy symposium - July 2020, Ulaanbaatar.

Future Plans:

- To establish the National epilepsy center of Mongolia and improve the epilepsy care of patients with epilepsy;
- To train and prepare qualified epilepsy professionals (adult epileptologists, pediatric epileptologists and pediatric neurosurgeon) EEG technician and epilepsy staff nurses;
- To get the necessary medical equipment and tools for diagnosis and treatment;
- To broadly introduce the new antiepileptic drugs, epilepsy surgery and other methods of epilepsy treatment;
- To implement pediatric epilepsy surgery program;
- To cooperate workshop and symposium on epilepsy;
- To conduct brief time exchange program and;
- To invite visiting professor for improving epilepsy care in Mongolia etc.,

Officer Election Date: September 2020