Chapter Name: Polish Society of Epileptology
Report By: Joanna Jędrzejczak


Educational Book (in Polish) for neurologists, GP, psychiatrists, internists
Epilepsy in Elderly eds. J Jędrzejczak, B Majkowska – Zwolińska , PZWL (2020)


1. Recommendations of the Polish Society of Epileptology for the treatment of epileptic seizure in adult patients in Poland: an update. Joanna Jędrzejczak , Beata Majkowska-Zwolińska , Danuta Ryglewicz , Ewa Nagańska, Maria Mazurkiewicz-Bełdzińska.:Journal of Epileptology. 27 , ISSN (Online) 2300-0147, DOI: 10.2478/joepi-2019-0002, Mar 2019

2. A position paper on breastfeeding by women with epilepsy – working group report. Joanna Jędrzejczak, Maria Wilińska, Ewa Kamińska, Ryszard Lauterbach, Ewa Helwich, Teresa Jackowska, Ewa Nagańska,Natalia Jacyna, Beata Majkowska-Zwolińska. Journal of Epileptology. Volume 28, Pages 37-55, DOI:

Summary of Activities:

XXIX Conference on Epilepsy organized by Polish Society of Epileptology, Warsaw 16-18 2019, 400 participants.
The national experts on various fields of epilepsy were invited to give lectures. The topics covered were as usually : epilepsy and pregnancy, video-eeg diagnostic values in different types of epileptic syndromes and non-epileptic events. We discussed controversies in epilepsy: cannabinoids in epilepsy treatment – pro and cons. Important topics covered epilepsy and neurodegenerative diseases and coexistence of endocrine diseases and epilepsy. During last years we have introduced especially addressed to our young participants cycle of didactic sessions. It is extremely uplifting and indicates the need for continuous education. We have discussed management of the patients with nonepileptic psychogenic seizures. During satellite symposium we talked about the comorbidity in epilepsy. Discussion convened by the Polish Society of Epileptology, focused on medical and social aspects of epilepsy namely daily problems for patients with epilepsy, their needs and limitations.

Conference: Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: what we know and what we should to know
Warsaw 05 02 2019
Different aspects of total care of the patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. The national experts on various fields of epilepsy, psychiatry and psychology were invited to give lectures.Many public lectures and discussion group meeting have been organized with neurologists and public health agencies . Many aspects of the use of valproate for the treatment of epilepsy in female children and adolescents, and in women of childbearing potential, in the context of new warnings of EMA, remains very important topic of many meetings.

Summary of Activities in Relation to Global Campaign in 2019.
Polish Society of Epileptology in 2019 organized and coordinated educational campaign Brain storm – how can we improve the situation of patients with epilepsy in Poland. The name of the campaign refers to one of the techniques derived from social psychology - brainstorming, which aims to activate the participants of the discussion and find the best possible solutions. This is to constitute a kind of invitation to discussion / action for participants of the health care system in Poland in order to define and raise in the public debate the unmet needs of patients struggling with epilepsy. It is also an alarm bell for the public - about the need for systemic action for patients with epilepsy. An important message of the campaign was to build awareness that the process of proper diagnostics and comprehensive treatment enables the functioning of people suffering from epilepsy in society and preventing the exclusion of this group of patients from fulfilling social roles.

An important part of our activities in 2019/2020 were contacts with the Ministry of Health and National Health Fund. One of the problems is the reimbursement for patients of new AEDs in epilepsy. Based on updated recommendations for treatment of epileptic seizures in adults published by PTE (2019 and activity of our experts finally, bryweracetam since 09 2019 is reimbursed for patients with III line of treatment epilepsy.

We requested and appealed to Ministry of Health to support the WHO resolution to take joint global action to address the current significant gaps in mental health care and treatment, as well as the social, economic, educational and integration needs of people and families living with epilepsy.

Educational Activities

Regular educational courses and workshops on epilepsy in Poland.

Organizing e-learning webinars


Cooperation with governmental agencies to develop models to improve prevention, detection, treatment, care and rehabilitation.

Future Plans:

One of the most significant problems of the current system in Poland is the lack of highly specialized reference centers gathering multidisciplinary staff expert in the diagnosis of epilepsy, the principles of its treatment, but also dealing with rehabilitation, psychological care and career counseling. In the indicated issues, PTE notices the most problems that require joint medical, social and legal actions.

Therefore, the Polish Society of Epileptology, setting its priority to act to improve care for patients with epilepsy,

Continuation the regular educational courses.

Officer Election Date: 2020