
The Scientific and Organising Committee are working to create a programme offering the best in epilepsy education.
The congress will provide a platform to hear from world-renowned experts and with the on-demand recordings of the sessions allowing you to attend sessions at your own convenience.
Epilepsy: A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Management
Co-Chairs: Chien Chen (Taiwan) & Jithangi Wanigasinghe (Sri Lanka)
- Diagnosis of epilepsy with special considerations across the age spectrum - KP Vinayan (India)
- Management of Epilepsy with special considerations across the age spectrum (practical guide of ASM) - Zarine Mogal (Pakistan)
- Differential diagnosis between epilepsy and movement disorder - Andrew Bleasel (Australia)
- Practical guide of dietary therapy in epilepsy - Pi-Lien Hung (Taiwan)
Epilepsy Surgery
Co-Chairs: Tai-Tong Wong (Taiwan) & Kensuke Kawai (Japan)
- Epilepsy surgery: who and when? - Zainal Muttaqin (Indonesia)
- The minimal epilepsy presurgical evaluation setup in resource-limited regions - Manjari Tripathi (India)
- How to perform Epilepsy surgery in resource-limited regions? - Robert Hsin-Hung Chen (Taiwan)
- What can we do when the results are not concordant in a resource-limited setting? - Masaki Iwasaki (Japan)
Basic and Translational Research in Our Region
Co-Chairs: Terence O'Brien (Australia) & Akio Ikeda (Japan)
- Preclinical trials of medical disease modifying therapies for drug resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy - Pablo Casillas-Espinosa (Australia/Mexico)
- Discovering new anti-seizure medications using zebrafish models - Mohmad Farooq Shaikh (Malaysia)
- Detailed characterization and automated quantification of induced seizure-related behaviours in Xenopus laevis tadpoles - Sandesh Panthi (New Zealand)
- Does microglia activation play a key role in acquired epileptogenesis? - Idrish Ali (Australia/India)
- Advanced imaging techniques to visualise the epileptogenic zone - Ko Matsui (Japan)
Application of Genetic Testing in Epileptic Encephalopathy
Chair: Yue-Hua Zhang (China)
Speaker: Jacqui Saw (Australia)
Getting the Best Out of Diagnostic EEG: Including Advances in Portable EEG
Chair: Howan Leung (Hong Kong)
Speaker: Jacqui Saw (Australia)
Modern Imaging for Epilepsy: A practical Guide
Chair: Charcrin Nabangchang (Thailand)
Speaker Yotin Chinvarun (Thailand)
Epilepsy and Sleep
Chair: Liang-Po Hsieh (Taiwan)
Speaker: John Dunne (Australia)
Climate Change and Epilepsy: Relationship and Action?
Chair: Aris Catur Bintoro (Indonesia)
Speaker: Medine Gulcebi (Turkey)
Chair: Shang-Yeong Kwan (Taiwan)
- Brief introduction of the IGAP and the national comprehensive governance for epilepsy prevention and control in China – Shichuo Li (China)
Epilepsy & Stigma – Looking Back To Move Forward
Co-Chairs: Zarine Mogal (Pakistan), & Chong-Tin Tan (Malaysia)
- Cross-cutting approaches to stigma, think beyond the box - Gus Baker (UK)
- Epilepsy stigma research in Asian & Oceanian, what’s next? - Kheng-Seang Lim (Malaysia)
- Why is it still an issue? - Ernst Somerville (Australia)
AOCN-AOEC Friendship Symposium: WHO Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders 2022 – 2031
Co-Chairs: Jithangi Wanigasinghe (Sri Lanka) & Akio Ikeda (Japan)
- Visions and objectives for IGAP - Akio Ikeda (Japan)
- Action plans and implementation strategies for IGAP – Julie Hall (UK)
- Overcoming access to care with telemedicine in the COVID era - Josephine Chan (Australia)
Status Epilepticus: Diagnosis and Effective Management
Co-Chairs: Udaya Seneviratne (Australia) & Neeraj Baheti
- What’s new in Status Epilepticus – Hajime Yoshimura (Japan)
- Defining and treating the underlying cause and outcomes – Somsak Tiamkao (Thailand)
- Anti-seizure medication: what works (whether new or old), traps and pitfalls -Udaya Seneviratne (Australia)
Epilepsy and the Developing Brain
Co-Chairs: Derrick Chan (Singapore) & Jianxiang Liao (China)
- Uncovering the genomic basis of the developmental and epileptic encephalopathies - Ingrid Scheffer (Australia)
- Treatment in the developing brain, including treatment gap - Jithangi Wanigasinghe (Sri Lanka)
- Maternal nutrition: including clean water, avoiding toxins and infectious diseases/immunisations/gene therapy in future – Adeline Ngoh (Singapore)
- Epilepsy treatment outcome in infants younger than one years old – Jianxiang Liao (China)
Big Data and AI in Epilepsy: Is the Future Already Here?
Co-Chairs: Terence O’Brien (Australia) & Sarat Chandra (India)
- What is AI and deep learning, how can it help us? - Srinivas Chilukuri (India)
- What can Big Data do for the epileptologists in patient management? - Colin Josephson (Canada)
- Using AI for epilepsy management: What lessons can we learn from other conditions? Zongyuan Ge (Australia)
- Developing a portable video EEG with dry electrodes using an AI paradigm integrated into a mobile application - Sarat Chandra (India)
Personalized Management of Epilepsy
Co-Chairs: Shang-Yeong Kwan (Taiwan) & Muzharul Mannan (Bangladesh)
- New era of personalised epilepsy management - Patrick Kwan (Australia)
- AEDs affordability, how to personalise if cannot afford? - Minh An Thuy Le (Vietnam)
- HLA screening and antiepileptic adverse drug reactions, state of the art practices - Chonlaphat Sukasem (Thailand)
Mixing Medicines, ASMs and Non-ASMs: Uses and Interactions
Co-Chairs: Piero Perucca (Australia) & John Dunne (Australia)
- Mixing medicines in the management of epilepsy and its comorbidities: prescribing patterns across the world- Manjari Tripathi (India)
- Interactions between antiseizure medications (ASMs) and other medications - Piero Perucca (Australia)
- Interactions involving the newest ASMs, including interactions with other ASMs - Emilio Perucca (Australia)
Mortality in Epilepsy
Co-Chairs: KP Vinayan (India) & Ernest Somerville (Australia)
- Overview: Mortality statistics, causes, risk factors, strategies, and differences in low-middle income countries -Ernest Somerville (Australia)
- Mortality in children with epilepsy - KP Vinayan (India)
- Can seizure detection devices reduce mortality? Sándor Beniczky (Denmark)
Epilepsy with Medical Comorbidities
Co-Chairs: Hiba Mahmud (Pakistan) & Sang Kun Lee (South Korea)
- Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease & dementia – Alice Lam (USA)
- Headache, migraine and epilepsy - Sang Kun Lee (South Korea)
- Sleep disorders and epilepsy - Kanitpong Phabphal (Thailand)
Women with Epilepsy
Co-Chairs: Sanjeev Thomas (India) & Kurnia Kusumastuti (Indonesia)
- Planned pregnancy: importance and implementation - Zarine Mogal (Pakistan)
- Interdisciplinary approach of managing WWE during pregnancy, labour and postpartum period – Hideyuki Ohtani (Japan)
- Women with epilepsy and bone health – Sandra Petty (Australia)
Epilepsy Behaviour & Mental Health
Co-Chairs: KP Vinayan (India) & Venus Tang (Hong Kong)
- Psychological management for adults with epilepsy - Venus Tang (Hong Kong)
- Epilepsy and autistic spectrum disorders and ADHD - KP Vinayan (India)
- Effect of ASMs on behaviour and mental health - Shang-Yeong Kwan (Taiwan)
Neuromodulation in the Treatment of Epilepsy
Co-Chairs: Sarat Chandra (India) & Kensuke Kawai (Japan)
- Neuromodulation in the treatment of epilepsy: an overview - Philippe Ryvlin (Switzerland)
- Combination of VNS with DBS - Arthur Cukiert (Brazil)
- Closed loop brain stimulation and paradigm shifts in epilepsy surgery - Mark Richardson (USA)
Epilepsy in Adolescence
Co-Chairs: Jithangi Wanigasinghe (Sri Lanka) & TBC
- Epilepsy in the adolescent: the spectrum - J. Helen Cross (UK)
- Puberty and epilepsy - Josephine Casanova-Gutierrez (Philippines)
- Psychosocial facet of epilepsy in the adolescent – Eva Fung (Hong Kong)
- Epilepsy surgery in the adolescent - Lixin Cai (China)
Epilepsy Prevention Strategies
Co-Chairs: Derrick Chan (Singapore) & Pablo Casillasis-Espinosa (Australia/Mexico)
- Genetic and inflammatory processes leading to epilepsy - Derrick Chan (Singapore)
- Infections: antenatal and postnatal - Bridgette Semple (Australia)
- Prevention of traumatic head injuries – Shu-Ling Chong (Singapore)
- Truly antiepileptogenic drugs - Pablo Casillasis-Espinosa (Australia/Mexico)
Autoimmune Epilepsy: When to Suspect and What to do
Chairs: Chong-Tin Tan (Malaysia) & Jianxiang Liao (China)
- Epidemiology - Jyh Yung Hor (Malaysia)
- Update on NORSE/FIRE - Kuang-Lin Lin (Taiwan)
- When to suspect autoimmune aetiology – Wen-Xiong Chen (China)
Thursday 17 November
Clinical Epilepsy, Epilepsy and Behaviour
Co-chairs: John Dunne (Australia) & Kheng-Seang Lim (Malaysia)
- Bidirectionality of Antiseizure and Antipsychotic Treatment: A Population Based Study - Eline Revdal (Norway)
- Reduced binding potential of μ-opioid receptors in temporal lobe epilepsy with psychiatric symptoms - Daichi Sone (Japan)
- Medically refractory eating epilepsy: An enigmatic entity - Aparajita Chatterjee (India)
- Functional and mechanical study of long non-coding RNA NEAT1 in SUDEP via regulating the distribution of KCNAB2 in the brainstem – Jiao Liu (China)
Friday 18 November
Presurgical Evaluation
Co-chairs: Seung Bong Hong (South Korea) & TBC
- Utility of telemedicine in performing pre-surgical evaluation and epilepsy surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic - Ravish R. Keni (India)
- Magnetoencephalography profile of patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy and normal MRI - Ajay Asranna (India)
- Avalanches as markers to discriminate unilateral and bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy using magnetoencephalography - Bhargava Gautham (India)
Saturday 19 November
Clinical Epilepsy
Co-chairs: Kensuke Kawai (Japan) & Edward Bertram (USA)
- Prevalence of epilepsy in childhood: Comparison of a community- and school-based survey - Sulena Singh (India)
- Clinical features and seizure outcomes in 62 children with GATOR1 variants - Hao Wang (China)
- A prediction model integrating synchronization biomarkers and clinical features to identify responders to vagus nerve stimulation among pediatric patients with drug-resistant epilepsy - Jiayi Ma (China)
- Management of status epilepticus in Malaysia: Current practice and treatment gap - Si-Lei Fong (Malaysia)
Brainstorming Session
Co-Chairs: Ajay Asranna (India) & Maggie Yau (Hong Kong)
-Part A: Advances in SEEG and robotics - Andrew Neal (Australia) and Emily Cockle (Australia)
-Part B: Advances in epilepsy surgery: thermal ablation - Ashok Pillai (India)
Career Development Sessions Part 1
Co-Chairs: Honor Coleman (Australia) & Akil Muhammad (UK)
- Clinical career pathways - Suvasini Sharma (India)
- Research career pathways/balancing clinical and research careers - Akio Ikeda (Japan)
Career Development Sessions Part 2
Chair: Ngaire Keenan (New Zealand) & Ching Soong Khoo (Malaysia)
- How to write a compelling grant application – Dongmei An (China)
- Sharing your research: participation, presentation & publication - Mohmad Farooq Shaikh (Malaysia)
Data Blitz
Co-Chairs: Daichi Sone (Japan) & Pablo Casillasis-Espinosa (Australia/Mexico)
Video/Case-Based Diagnosis Sessions
Session 1: Co-Chairs: Chien Chen (Taiwan) & Chong Wong (Australia)
Session 1: Chien Chen (Taiwan) & Chong Wong (Australia)
Session 2: Co-Chairs: Manjari Tripathi (India) & Hideaki Shiraishi (Japan)
- Older vs Newer ASMs: The Differences are Exaggerated
Gagandeep Singh (India) (FOR)
John Dunne (Australia) (AGAINST)
- Alternative Therapies are Underused in Epilepsy
Chien Chen (Taiwan) (FOR)
Andrew Bleasel (Australia) (AGAINST)
This Symposium takes place on Saturday 19 November 2022 and is now FREE to attend, but registration is required.
Welcome Addresses
John Dunne (Australia)
Anchor Hung (HKSAR, China)
Global efforts on epilepsy – Presenting WHO’s Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders
Co-Chairs: John Dunne & Anchor Hung (HKSAR, China)
J Helen Cross (UK)
Tarun Dua (Switzerland)
Francesca Sofia (Italy)
Invited patient advocates/ chapter members
Announcement of the Golden Light Awardees
Yuan‐Fu Tseng (Taiwan)
Chou Meng Lou (Taiwan)
Overcoming stigma of epilepsy in response to IGAP - international experiences
Co-Chairs: Man Mohan Mehndiratta (India) & Graeme Shears (Australia)
Gus Baker (UK)
Mary Secco (Canada)
Amos Action (Malawi)
Overcoming stigma of epilepsy in response to IGAP – Asian & Oceanic perspectives
Co-Chairs: Ding Ding (China) & Khenh-Seang Lim (Malaysia)
Li Shichuo (China)
Chong-Tin Tan (Malaysia)
Invited patient advocates/ chapter members
Enhancing access to epilepsy health care in response to IGAP
Chairs: Derrick Chan (Singapore), Avirmed Tovuudorj (Mongolia)
Yi Wang (China)
San Oo (Myanmar)
Eiji Nakagawa (Japan)
Invited patient advocates/ chapter members
Enhancing access to epilepsy social care in response to IGAP
Chairs: Sherman Goh (Singapore) & Sherrini Bazir Ahmed (Malaysia)
Graeme Shears (Australia)
Carol D’Souza (India)
Jing Jane Tsai (Taiwan)
Invited patient advocates/ chapter members
Personal Testimonies: AOEC Golden Light Award Winners
INTERACTIVE SESSION to discuss how international actions can drive positive change regionally and nationally
Chairs: Anchor Hung (HKSAR, China) & Ding Ding (China)
Claire Nolan (UK) & Sebastian Winter (Germany)
Moderated by Donna Walsh (Ireland) with invited patient advocates/chapter members
Francesca Sofia (Italy)
Anchor Hung (HKSAR, China)
Chris Dougherty (Australia)
Welcome and Awards Ceremony
Thursday 17 November
17.30 – 18.15
Welcome Speeches 17.30 – 17.50
John Dunne, Co-chair 14th AOEC, (Australia)
Anchor Hung Co-chair 14th AOEC (Hong Kong SAR, China)
J Helen Cross, ILAE President (UK)
Francesca Sofia, IBE President (Italy)
Awards Ceremony: 17.50 – 18.07
Asian & Oceanian Outstanding Achievement Epilepsy Awards
Kheng Seang Lim will announce the five Awardees:
Akio Ikeda (Japan)
Dede Gunawan (Indonesia)
P Sarat Chandra (India)
Raymond Azman Ali (Malaysia)
Seung Bong Hong (South Korea)
(KS Lim will do introduce each awardee followed by a 1-minute pre-recorded awardee video (including slideshow of photographs)
IBE: Golden Light Awards 18.07-18.22
Introduction Anchor Hung (Hong Kong SAR, China)
Speakers: Yuan‐Fu Tseng (Taiwan) and Chou Meng Lou (Taiwan) will announce the 3 Golden Light Award Winners
May Yoong Lee (Malaysia)
Jae-Shin Shim (South Korea)
Naziya Ansari (India)
Tadokoro Awards Presentation and Closing Remarks
Saturday 19 November
16.00 – 16.35
16:00 – 16:05
Speaker: John Dunne (ILAE_AO)
Tadokoro Presentation
16:05 – 16:10
Speaker: Akio Ikeda (Japan)
Tadokoro Awards Announcement
16:10 – 16:20
Speaker: Lim Kheng Seang (Malaysia)
Speaker: John Dunne (Australia)
Speaker: J Helen Cross (President, ILAE)
16:20 – 16:25 (5 min)
Speaker: Edward Bertram (Secretary General, ILAE, AO Liaison)
16:25 – 16:35 (10 min)
Congress Begins
Key Dates

Congress Begins
17 November, 2022Subscribe to the ILAE Newsletter
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