General Information
Please check back soon for more information.
Please note: The congress timezone is UTC+8 this includes regions such as Beijing, Denpasar, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Perth, Shanghai, Singapore and Taipei
The official language of the congress is English.
We are delighted to announce a call for entries for the art exhibition at the 14th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress (AOEC) on the theme of "Stigma."
The call is open to everyone of any age, including people with epilepsy and their carers, doctors, nurses, social workers, etc.
All entries will be included in the online art exhibition as an image gallery featured as part of the virtual 14th AOEC.
Entries will automatically go forward to a global competition to mark International Epilepsy Day, which takes place on 13 February, 2023. The theme of International Epilepsy Day 2023 will also focus on the theme of stigma.
Artwork accepted for the exhibition falls into the following categories:
- Painting or drawing
- Photomontage
- Pottery
- Sculpture
- Beadwork, embroidery, or needlework
Entry rules
A contestant may submit no more than 3 pieces of art.
- The theme of the entry should reflect an aspect of epilepsy stigma.
- Submission should be by way of a scan or photo of the artwork. Scans or photos should be within 1MB - 3MB and in jpeg or png format.
- The quality of scans or photos is the responsibility of the art exhibition entrant.
- Entrants must complete the Entry Form. Entrants under 12 years of age may have the entry form completed on their behalf by a parent or guardian.
- Each entry must be the original work of the contestant, must have a title (in English), and also include (in English) a short description of the idea and meaning of the artwork (recommended at a maximum of 200 words).
- By submitting an entry to the art exhibition, the contestant agrees to grant IBE, free of charge, the right to publish the artwork online, in other IBE media, or as part of an exhibition.
Show off your creativity and enter your artwork today!
Please click here and fill out the entry form
A Golden Opportunity to recognise and award a young person affected by epilepsy in your community
Is there a young member of your association who is affected by epilepsy and who has been a shining light for others and is deserving of recognition? We are calling on all IBE chapters in the South East Asia and Western Pacific regions for nominations for the IBE Golden Light Awards, to be presented at the time of the 14th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress, November 2022.
Congress Begins
Key Dates
Congress Begins
17 November, 2022Subscribe to the ILAE Newsletter
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