
Registration is NOW OPEN
If you are planning to register on site in Geneva:
Please note that CASH payments will NOT be accepted on site. Registrations can be made using major credit cards.
It is recommended that each participant arranges his/her own insurance to cover cancellation of travel and/or accommodation and/or registration in the event that he/she is unable to attend the congress.
The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and its agents do not accept any liability whatsoever for death, personal injury, accidents, theft, loss or damage to persons, property or belongings of participants or accompanying persons, either before, during or following the congress or their stay in Geneva. It is therefore also recommended that participants arrange their own health and accident insurance.
Be aware of unauthorised agencies
Please do not engage with unofficial companies claiming to sell accommodation or other services on behalf of the congress.
There is no official accommodation agency for this congress. Registration for the congress is via this page only.
- Each user must first create a user account on the registration platform in order to register
- A personal address (Institution/Company or private) and email address for each delegate are necessary to register
- Each delegate’s email address must be distinct; multiple registrations with the same email address will not be accepted
- Agencies registering delegates on behalf of any member of the pharmaceutical industry will be requested to provide the name and country of the sponsoring company
- Please ensure the billing details are entered correctly as invoices cannot be changed later
- Invoices are created in the user account; you can then download a copy and another copy will be automatically emailed to you
- The following payments are accepted through the on-line registration system
- credit card, processed by PayPal (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
- bank transfer, details for which you will find on your invoice
- Confirmation of registration and invitation letters will available to download in your user account after payment and supporting documentation (if applicable) have been received.
- Please allow three working days for credit card payments and five working days for bank transfers.
- Registration for one day or by session is not possible.
Determining your fee category
The ILAE uses the World Bank list of economies as of 1 December 2021 to categorise registration fees. Individuals living and working in low, low middle and upper middle countries must provide proof of nationality for that country, or proof of employment in that country. This can be uploaded in your user account when registering. This also applies to those purchasing registrations on behalf of others. Registration for one day or by session is not possible.
Determining which country to select
If you are registering for a fee which is lower than your country of residence, there is an additional piece of documentation that you must upload along with your passport. You will be asked to provide proof of current residence, employment or education in the country associated with the fee for which you are registering.
Example: You are a High-Income Economy passport-holder working in an Upper-Middle-Income Economy and registering for the Upper-Middle-Income Economy fee. You will provide
- a copy of your High-Income Economy passport as well as
- proof of current residence, current employment or current education in the Upper-Middle-Income Economy.
This request also applies to universities and hospitals who are registering delegates from economies belonging to income categories lower than that of the hospital or university.
Example: Your hospital is located in an Upper-Middle-Income Economy and you are registering a delegate who is from a Lower-Middle-Income Economy. You will provide
- a copy of their passport as well as
- proof of their current residence, current employment or current education in that Lower-Middle-Income Economy.
Groups, pharmaceutical companies, commercial entities or sponsors may not purchase: member/non-member Physician, member/non-member Scientist, member/non-member AHP, member/non-member Patient Advocate, Trainee, Student.
Member Discount is applicable to members of ILAE and IBE Chapters. In order to avail of the discount, the Chapter must have provided member details to the ILAE or IBE and must be up to date with Chapter dues. If the ILAE Secretariat cannot verify the membership status, then the discount cannot be given. The member discount is not available to groups, pharmaceutical companies, commercial entities or sponsored registrations.
If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact the Secretary of the Chapter in your country of membership before registering:
- Personal postal and email addresses are required for each delegate in order to comply with security and insurance regulations. Registrations submitted without these details will not be processed. One email address or one postal address for multiple delegates will not be accepted by the system.
- Agencies registering delegates on behalf of a pharmaceutical company will be requested to provide the name and country of that sponsoring company. This information will be used for reporting and statistical purposes.
- As the main contact person you are not entitled to any of the delegates’ benefits (access to the congress area, exhibition area, etc). If you wish to benefit from any of the delegates’ entitlements please register.
- To qualify for the early registration rate, payment must be received on/before 1 April 2022. All delegates’ names and contact details for paid early registrations must be received by 29 April 2022. Delegate contact details received after this date will be subject to the higher registration fee.
- The Physician, Scientist, Allied Health Professional (AHP), Patient Advocate, Trainee and Student rates are not available to groups, pharmaceutical companies, commercial entities or sponsored registrations. Groups can only register under the Group/Industry Rate.
- Name changes are free of charge up to 1 July 2022 after which date they will be subject to a fee of €100.
- You can send confirmation letters to your delegates directly from your user account, once payment and all delegates’ names and contact details have been received. Alternatively you can download them should you prefer.
- Group collections will be available at appointments prior to the congress. Changes and registrations may be purchased then. Further information will be sent in due course. During the congress, group collections will not be available. Delegates must then collect their congress materials individually.
The add-ons are only available with the purchase of an in-person congress registration. You cannot purchase an add-on only. Individuals will have the option to purchase one or more of these add-ons while registering in the online platform. Groups may purchase a teaching course after registering in the online platform, where instructions for add-ons are available. These add-ons are available for in-person attendance only.
Please see fee chart above for course fees.
Teaching courses:

Please click General Instructions above and scroll down to Determine your fee category.
Credit Card
- Please use the on-line system to register by credit card using Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
- Our on-line gateway provider is Please do not try to register on the PayPal website.
- Our on-line payment interface provides a Secure Website Order Page.
Bank Transfer
- Please use the on-line system to registerby bank transfer, details for which can be found on your invoice which you create in your user account, including our bank details.
- All charges due on the bank transfer must be paid by the registrant.
- Please include the invoice number as reference on the bank transfer.
- 24 June 2022 is the cut-off date for sending bank transfer payments. Payments via bank transfer will not be accepted after this date. Regrettably exceptions cannot be made.
In-person Registration Includes:
- Admission to main scientific programme sessions.
- Option to add-on Teaching Courses.
- Access to the exhibition area, if you are a prescriber.
- Access to the posters.
- Afternoon coffee only on 9 July. (For those participating in the full-day and half-day teaching course on 9 July, lunch is included). Morning & afternoon coffee and lunch on 10, 11 & 12 July. Morning coffee only on 13 July.
- Certificate of Attendance: In accordance with the policy of the UEMS for CME accreditation, certificates will only be available when delegates complete the evaluation form in their user accounts the week after the congress. We are not permitted to send certificates to group leaders.
- Welcome Ceremony/Reception, 9 July (time tbc) at the Palexpo Congress Centre. Light snacks will be served which will not suffice for an evening meal. Smart casual dress.
Welcome ceremony 18:00-19:00 CEST
Welcome Reception 19:00-20:00 CEST -
Content available until 13 October. Please be aware that recorded content will be uploaded for on-demand access as soon as possible after the live session, but some time must be allowed for editing
Online Registration Includes:
- Admission to main scientific programme sessions.
- Access to the exhibition area, if you are a prescriber.
- Access to the posters.
- Certificate of Attendance: In accordance with the policy of the UEMS for CME accreditation, certificates will only be available when delegates complete the evaluation form which will be emailed to them the week after the congress. We are not permitted to send certificates to group leaders.
- Content available until 13 October. Please be aware that recorded content will be uploaded for on-demand access as soon as possible after the live session, but some time must be allowed for editing.
- Cancellations must be made by email to
- Currency exchange gains/losses are the responsibility of the registrant and the Congress Secretariat will not accept liability for money loss through bank charges, transfers or currency fluctuations.
- Refunds will be settled within one month of the congress, in order to facilitate necessary organisational and logistical procedures. Cancellation of registration fees is as follows:
On or before 1 April 2022 |
Registration fees refunded, minus €20 administration fee |
On or before 29 April 2022 |
Registration fees refunded, minus 50% |
On or before 27 May 2022 |
Registration fees refunded, minus 65% |
On or before 23 June 2022 |
Registration fees refunded, minus 80% |
From 24 June 2022 |
No refunds |
Name changes
- Name changes are free of charge up to 1 July 2022 after which date they will be handled on-site and subject to a fee of €100.
International League Against Epilepsy, Suite 105, The Crescent Building (Block B), Northwood, Dublin, D09C6X8, Ireland. Telephone number: +353 1 2056720. Email: /
This congress is registered for VAT in Switzerland with the following VAT number: CHE-313.387.201 MWST. Please note that registration fees for this congress are VAT exempt.
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