Epigraph Volume 25 Issue 3, Summer 2023
In This Issue
- Circadian rhythms and epilepsy Part I: Dr. Mark Quigg
- Fasting during Ramadan may reduce seizure frequency
- Caregiving in functional seizures: "Isolated, alone, helpless"
- Cerrando la brecha terapéutica de la epilepsia en Bolivia: tres décadas de iniciativas
- Circadian rhythms and epilepsy, Part II: Dr. Maxime Baud
- El ayuno durante el Ramadán puede reducir la frecuencia de las crisis epilépticas
- Cuidados en crisis funcionales: "Aislados, solos, indefensos"
- Le jeûne pendant le Ramadan peut réduire la fréquence des crises
- Caring for someone with functional seizures: Shannon Guinard's story
- Statins and epilepsy: Dr. Emilio Russo and Dr. Tony Marson
- Research recap: Modified Atkins diet and health-related quality of life - Dr. Magnhild Kverneland
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